Working Group 2A ECOSTAT Summary progress report River GIGs Wouter van de Bund Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability Inland and Marine Waters Unit
River GIGs
Work plans and timetables Work plans available from Northern, Alpine, Central/Baltic Timetables available from Northern, Central/Baltic Only Northern GIG has taken into account GIG milestones from IC process guidance
Pilot intercalibration Most river GIGs have decided to carry out pilot intercalibration exercises in 2004 focused on macroinvertebrates specific common types, pressures, (sometimes) countries
River GIGs: pilots
Summary - organisation Work has started in most GIGs Northern GIG: funding through NCM Co-ordination Central/Baltic GIG still problematic need for resources to have a dedicated co-ordinator (e.g. national expert at JRC) E. Continental GIG: first meeting Oct. 04
Summary - approaches Strong focus on macroinvertebrates GIGs see possibilities also to include phytobenthos and fish - requires specific expertise Common approach in Alpine, Central/Baltic, Mediterranean GIGs (Northern similar) hybrid option 2 and 3 (included in guidance as new Annex) common metric: ICM (Intercalibration common metric) (AQEM/STAR multimetric) Approach presented separately (J.-G. Wasson)
Discussion issues Identical approach in river GIGs – do they still need to operate separately? What can be done to broaden the IC exercise beyond macroinvertebrates need to start very soon to achieve results before 2006 How to ensure consistent class boundary setting in the hybrid approach of the pilots