Stan Whitcomb LSC meeting Hanford 15 August 2005 State of the LIGO Lab Stan Whitcomb LSC meeting Hanford 15 August 2005
Progress: Commissioning Last LSC meeting warned that sensitivity progress would be slowing… Higher power on all interferometers Propagate improvements to all interferometers Replace ITMX on H1 (June) LIGO has held three science runs, with increasing sensitivity. These curves show the best strain sensitivity achieved during each of these runs, reaching within a factor of 2-3 of design sensitivity during S3. The duty cycle achieved by the Hanford interferometers is nearing the design target of 90%, but the Livingston interferometer has been disturbed by high ground noise. An active seismic isolation system has now been installed on the Livingston interferometer and will be operational by the next science run. LSC Meeting -- August 2005
Progress: Duty Cycle Run S3 S4 L1 21.8% 74.5% H1 69.3% 80.5% H2 634% 81.4% Triple 15.8% 56.9% LSC Meeting -- August 2005
Progress: Science Five papers submitted since the March LSC meeting Four Phys Rev D, one Phys Rev Letters Analysis well along for S4 data Mechanisms for reviewing and approving results working well Stochastic Limit from S3 Data LSC Meeting -- August 2005
Progress: Collaborations LIGO-GEO Fully integrated analysis and running Advanced LIGO partnership LIGO-TAMA S2-DT8 papers finalized, future joint analyses under discussion Exchange of sapphire data and experience with LCGT LCGT presentation by Kazuaki Kuroda this afternoon LIGO-Virgo Data analysis effort starting to come together Virgo presentation by Benoit Mours this afternoon GWIC fostering all interferometer study group Acoustic detectors LIGO-Allegro LIGO-Auriga IGEC restarting—possible mechanism for joint Interferometer-bar analyses LSC Meeting -- August 2005
Progress: Advanced LIGO Talk by David Shoemaker LSC Meeting -- August 2005
Up-dates: LIGO Organization Implementing an integrated structure for LIGO, encompassing Laboratory and LSC LIGO Directorate (LIGO Director, LSC Spokesperson, LIGO Lab Deputy Director) structure functioning well Mechanism for delegating AdvLIGO responsibility to LSC in beta-test Extension of LIGO Oversight Committee to LSC still in progress Elected LSC Technical representatives Applications for Major Stakeholders passed to Oversight Committee chair Updating LSC structure Revised charter and by-laws for LSC in progress Plan to replace existing LSC-Lab MOUs with up-dated version New LSC MOU review process LSC committee met to assess progress and plans for need, realism, completeness, and overlap General agreement that the process is promising LSC Meeting -- August 2005
Update: LIGO Director Search LSC Meeting -- August 2005
Directions: S5 S5 goal is NSB condition for AdvLIGO funding “at least a year’s data of coincident operation at the science goal sensitivity ” Run Committee guiding timing and preparations Staggered start to S5 Possible disruption to day-time operations at LLO through much of 2005 due to construction on site L1 start Oct 21 H2 start Nov 4 H1 schedule still uncertain—recovery from Test Mass replacement Performance goals for S5 H1, L1 over 10 Mpc inspiral range, H2 over 5 Mpc Overall “Science content” ~ 100 times S4 LSC Meeting -- August 2005