Gender and Crime
Starter Official Crime Statistics (OCR) reveal how recorded crime appears to be a masculine activity (87% of all recorded crime). However, crime committed by women is increasing. How would you explain this? Give 3 reasons
Lesson Overview To understand statistics on gender and crime. To be able to analyse sociological ideas on gender and crime. To evaluate key studies on gender and crime. A Grade – Debate using evaluation skills by finding strengths and weaknesses in others arguments. B Grade – Debate using analysis skills by developing others arguments. C Grade – Debate showing an understanding of statistics on gender to back up their argument. Debate (students contribute to the level of their ability and can analyse, evaluate etc throughout the debate) Differentiated worksheets Text analysis VCOP Get them to consider the social, moral, cultural impact of the divide between men and women and crime.
Gender and Crime 3 questions we need to address in order to discover if women are less criminal than men: Are there differences in the amount of crime committed by men and women? Are there differences in the kinds of crime committed by men and women? Is there any evidence that women’s crime has changed in either amount or kind ?
Men are criminals, women are victims Discuss… To understand statistics on gender and crime. To be able to analyse sociological ideas on gender and crime. To evaluate key studies on gender and crime.
Theories of Gender and Crime Frances Heidensohn (1985) suggests that the question we should be asking is not why some women commit crime, but why women are so non-criminal? She considers three explanations: Biological Theory (Lombrosa) Sex-role Theory (Parsons) Transgression (Postmodernism)