Dates: March 23-April 05
Before registration, full tuition should be paid If you applied for Late tuition payment, you should fully cover your tuition according schedule. NO FURTHER DEFERRAL IS AVALIABLE. Otherwise students will not have an access to their on line study cards
Before registration, please check if you do not have any books to be returned to the library
No hard copy of time table Please check Registrars office web page. Here is the link for previous time table: Time table for fall 2013 will be available on March 15, 2013
Student who fail FYS (Receives F grade), should sign up for the class again
30 credits
Every student should check prerequisite for each class. Prerequisites are classes you need to take before you can move on to another class. Often it is a move to more advanced class. You can not take FYS 216, if you have not taken FYS 116. The other example: psychology 101 needs to be taken before psychology 250.
You have a chance to audit the classes. If you select a course and see available audit seats, it means you may audit the current class. For more information about auditing courses, please check registrars office web page.
Admits 2012 are expected to fulfill sport class requirement. This means student has to take sport class four semesters within eight semesters of undergraduate study. There is zero credit load for sport class.
In Kyrgyz Diploma sport class appears as 400 hours course load and sticks to grading scale of pass/ do not pass. On the students academic record (transcript) of the American diploma, sport class is included, however with zero credit load.
Students, who do any sport activities outside the university, must provide General Education Department, room 214 with the certificate and the load is counted toward your degree. Students, who have health issues and are not allowed to do sports, must provide the General Education Department room 214 with a medical certificate. Deadline?
At your sophomore year, you will have a list of sport choices. It wont be limited to jogging with president/chess
Students will be expected to sign up for both classes simultaneously. It is required general education course that is expected to take during sophomore year. At the end of your sophomore year, it is required to take state exam on History of Kyrgyzstan and Manas Studies. The sequence of bounded two courses as following: 10 weeks of History of Kyrgyzstan and the rest of the semester is continued by Manas Studies course. REMEMBER: take both classes. When? It does not matter. It can be taken in fall or spring semester.
If a student receives F grade for History of Kyrgyzstan, she/he has to take it again, but if she/he fails Manas Studies, no necessity to take it again.
Individual courses are offered for additional fee Art Practical courses - 3 cr., Musical individual courses - 2 cr. 2 cr. load musical class fee is 6000 KGS For other individual classes, the fee is 9900 KGS. The fee is set for fall Examples of individual music classes: Komuz Guitar Singing Piano
Please update your contact information in your on line profile
January 07-21, 2013 Students will get back their study cards during add/drop period even if they do not need to do any changes. If students make any changes in their schedules, it means you need to go through two steps again: send study card to advisor, get advisors approval and then finally send it to Registrars office. If you do not do any changes, Registrars office gets your study cards back.
1. Students should regularly check their AUCA s to avoid missing important information: deadlines, changes, updated policies and other important announcements.
Resources: WARC Psychological counseling
First of all, THANK YOU for being active in course evaluation!!! It was very useful. It is available at on line registration Encourage to actively participate Access to evaluation report will be given to students who have completed evaluation for all registered classes Dates of course evaluation is November 23-December 15
Updated academic polices and regulation can be found on line, at Registrars web page: