Communist China Chapter 31, Section 1
Civil War and the Great Leap Forward 1945: 2 governments Chiang Kai-Shek (US support)-South and Central China Mao Zedong-Northern China War breaks out between them 1949: Mao defeats Nationalists and Chiang and his followers flee to Taiwan 1955: Mao builds a Socialist society. 2/3 of peasants receive land taken from wealthy. There is nationalization of industry and commerce.
Civil War and the Great Leap Forward, (cont’d) 1958: Great Leap Forward: Collective farms are turned into communes, but this was a disaster. 15 million people die of starvation. 1960: Break up of communes and return to collective farms.
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Mao believed only a permanent revolution could enable the Chinese to achieve classless society. 1966: Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Little Red Book was the most important source of knowledge Red Guards set out to eliminate the 4 olds: ideas, culture, customs, and habits
China after Mao 1976: Mao dies and Deng Xiaoping takes over 4 modernizations: industry, agriculture, technology, and national defense. Failed to achieve democracy 1989: Student protesters called for an end to corruption and demanded the resignation of the Communist Party leaders. Received widespread support from people in cities and led to massive demonstrations in Tiananmen Square. Deng Xiaoping sends the troops out because he saw this as a demand for the end of Communism.
Chinese Society Under Communism Wanted to create a new kind of citizen: Contribute their utmost for the good of all. Also wanted to change the role of women, who were now allowed to take part in politics. 1950: New marriage law guaranteed women equal rights with men. Tried to destroy the influence of the traditional family system, because loyalty to your family undercut your loyalty to the state. Starting with the Great Leap Forward, children were encouraged to report to the authorities any comments made by their parents that were critical of the state.
Chinese Society Under Communism, (cont’d) After Mao’s death, there was a shift back toward family traditions.
China and the World: The Cold War in Asia 1950: China signs a pact of friendship and cooperation with the USSR, which worried some Americans. August 1945: USSR and US agreed to divide Korea into two zones at the 38th parallel. Plan was to hold elections after the war to reunify Korea. June 1950: Truman sends US troops to repel the North Koreans from South Korea China sends troops into North Korea to help push the US led UN troops back toward the 38th parallel. 1953: Armistice is signed
China and the World: The Cold War in Asia (cont’d) China was forced to rely on the USSR for technological and economic aid. Late 1950s: relationship begins to deteriorate, and became a security issue. 1972: Richard Nixon made a state visit to China, and was the first US president to visit the People’s Republic of China. 1979: Diplomatic ties were established with the US.