Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you Welcome! May 1st, 2018 Tuesday Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Tuesday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to guess the meaning of the word. Make sure you explain your thinking! Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you
She is a tenacious athlete, adhering to her grueling Read the following sentence and guess the meaning of the word tenacious based on the context. She is a tenacious athlete, adhering to her grueling training schedule no matter what. If someone is tenacious, they will not readily relinquish a position, principle, or course of action; to be incredibly determined. © Presto Plans
A Raisin in the Sun: Act 2, Scene 1 Hey, all! Thanks for working so hard on the EOC. To reward your hard work and (and, of course, to recap what we read in Raisin in the Sun), we’re going to watch the film version of Act I (will take about an hour). For the remainder of class, you will have time to finish your Character Posters for Act I.
Act I Character Posters Use Google Docs or a piece of paper to make a poster for a main character in “A Raisin in the Sun.” You can choose Mama, Beneatha, or Walter. Your poster must include A picture of your character 3 additional images/pictures that represent your character’s personality, dreams, desires, or challenges 2 direct, important quotes from your character (include page numbers) Complete each of these sentences about your character and include them somewhere on your poster: __________ wants ____________________________________________________. __________ is seen as _________________________________________________. __________ struggles with _____________________________________________. I predict ____________ will _____________________________________________. This is worth a 30 point TEST Grade!