MVD NEW MADRID EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE PLAN Patrick G. Tucker MVD Civil Disaster Planner Sarah Jones MVR Emergency Management May 8, 2014
Concept of Operations MSC’s and District’s responsibilities aligned by state. Support FEMA/DHS through traditional ESF # 3 mission assignments as well as nontraditional missions. Worst Case Scenario assumes Memphis and St. Louis will be impacted districts (their PRT’s will not be available) Support to USACE Civil Works Projects Will Be Within Current Civil-Works Boundaries
MVD CW Concept of Operations Support to USACE Civil Works Projects Will Be Within Current Civil-Works Boundaries MVP, MVR, MVK, & MVN will still be responsible for their CW AOR MVM and MVS will be in reconstitution Impacted MVM & MVM areas will be divided into 4 sectors by MS River and E-W line along MVM flood fight areas. CW Task force assigned to each sector
MVR Task Force
Team Structure Team Structure Capabilities Employment Gaps Led by deputy (CWTF-F Commander) Deploy upon direction of MVD Commander Responsible for support east of Mississippi River and north of I-155 (Memphis AOR) Mgmt Cell (1 team) CWTF Assessment Team (6 teams/4 pax) CWTF Support Team (2 Teams/8 pax) CWTF Flood Team (6-10 pax) Apprx 56 pax ESF 3 for IL – MVR Commander and RFO-Forward will deploy to Springfield MVR will deploy LNO to Springfield CWTF-F Mgmt Cell – led by deputy Includes personnel listed (6-10 pax) Deploy to MVS COOP (Carlysle Lake) Direct assessments/determine CoAs Direct and support CWTF Assessment Teams Forward deploy toward memphis CWTF Assessment Teams (perform assessments only) 6 teams 3 teams deploy immediately to Carlyle Lake Conduct assessments Integrate into MVS structure if intact. Execute mission CWTF Support Team 2 teams 8-10 pax each SME’s in contracting, engineering, real estate, etc Co-locate with CWTF-F Mgmt Cell CWTF Flood Fight Support 6-10 pax Specifically address flood fight operations LNOs will be part of team and assigned to critical areas
MVR CWTF – NE Purpose CWTF-F Management Cell CWTF Assessment Team Direct damage assessments Upward reporting Resource support CWTF Assessment Team Mobile team – DTOS Perform CW damage assessments CWTF Support Team Co-located with CWTF-F Technical expertise to assessment and flood teams CWTF Flood Fight Support Mobile team Coordinate/perform flood fight operations
Discuss nodes: MVS – Co-locate with MVS Commander at Carlisle Lake Disperse teams and integrate with MVS personnel
CWTF move south toward Jackson, TN Deploy using similar process as MVS.