Working Group Meeting: Statistics on Crime and Criminal Justice 19-20 March 2018, Luxembourg Review of 2017 joint Eurostat-UNODC data collection Sanja Vujackov, GOPA Luxembourg Sàrl Eurostat
Presentation plan: Presentation coverage The 2017 Data collection (Un)Foreseen changes in comparison with previous year Overall response Difficulties during the data collection Areas for improvement
Presentation coverage: Period: Questionnaire of interest: only data questionnaire four years: 2013-2016(17*) Jurisdictions (41 in total): the data provided for 38/41 jurisdictions the data for Belgium, Italy* and FYR Macedonia have not been provided 12 October 2017 31 November 2017 10 March 2018 launch of data collection initial deadline end date for the analyses
The timeliness of national data deliveries by 10 March 2018 The 2017 Data collection: The timeliness of national data deliveries by 10 March 2018 the number of data questionnaires sent >> deadline
(Un)Foreseen changes in 2017 Data collection in comparison with the previous data collections: 2017 Questionnaire: 1 joint questionnaire instead of two different format, sheets, definitions… introduction of some new indicators 467 indicators covered in total 2017 Data collection launch date: slightly different (but in advance agreed!) Focal points – changes in personnel: before and during the data collection/validation
Overall response: Around half of the indicators requested were transmitted to Eurostat: questionnaires sent with some incomplete or missing categories Variation by the category of data - examples: Not provided in all (collected) jurisdictions: Total persons brought before the Criminal Courts by legal representation Victimization Survey (majority of the categories) Provided in all (collected) jurisdictions: Sexual Violence, number of offences Rape, number of offences Theft, number of offences
Difficulties during the data collection Questionnaire version used: UNOCD vs. joint Eurostat- UNODC: different languages (2/38 jurisdictions) missing Eurostat sheet (3/38 jurisdictions) Hidden Sheet 6. CJS Personnel not needed for the UNODC data collection but needed for Eurostat (8/38 jurisdictions) Errors during the automatic pre-fill of the data in Eurostat sheet for years 2013-2015: some jurisdictions spotted the errors and corrected them others, only corrected certain indicators the rest did not correct them
Difficulties during the data collection Flow of communication/information between the parties: Focal points GOPA Luxembourg Eurostat UNODC Or lack of any feedback
Areas for the improvement The use of eDAMIS: files have been provided by email files had incorrect names some of the focal points did not have the access due to changes in the personnel/institution Methodological issues: 7/41 jurisdictions needed the methodological clarifications Incorrect numbers formats – some examples: a picture of a number extra spaces between numbers comments in the data section…
Thank you for your attention. From 1 April 2018, please send all emails about the ongoing data collections to: Thank you for your attention.