Webpage Workshop
Your Opportunities Team Louisa Fletcher – Student Opportunities Officer Email: suopportunities@aber.ac.uk Phone: 01970 621755 Lucie Gwilt – Sports Coordinator Email: leg13@aber.ac.uk Phone: 01970 621754 Becca Thompson – Societies Coordinator Email: rlb12@aber.ac.uk Phone: 01970 621745 Gav Allen – Student Opportunities Manager Email: gaa@aber.ac.uk Phone: 01970 621718
The what's and why’s Logo and Photos So you look like a ‘real’ thing Give people an insight into what you do Makes you seem friendly Attractive pages sell!
The what's and why’s Committee Members So people know who is who in the society/club Can link a face to the society/club – makes the group more approachable Students know who to go to with queries
The what's and why’s What are you/what do you do Description of the sport or society What you do on a weekly basis Training, meet-up, socials etc…include when and where and UPDATE this please
The what's and why’s Links to social media You all have social media pages but these can be quite hard to find if people don’t know what they’re looking for. The website will be the first port of call for students so link social media pages.
The what's and why’s Documents Constitution - Rules by which the club is governed. Transparency between you, your members & the SU. Committee roles in detail. Code of conduct - Members must agree to act in accordance with this. Transparency…again Risk assessments - So the SU can be sure you are taking members’ safety into account at all times Link to national governing body or departmental website - If any difficulties arise we are able to seek guidance from your overarching association. -they
Example: https://www.abersu.co.uk/society/ecws/ Ask them to log in
How to: Log in! Ask them to log in
Select Admin from top, grey menu and click on your society/club How to: Select Admin from top, grey menu and click on your society/club Show where ‘admin’ appears
Click edit details and edit away! How to: Click edit details and edit away! Help them to edit the pages if needed. 20 mins for this.
Upload your documents How to: Help them to edit the pages if needed. 20 mins for this.
Send emails to members How to: Back to Admin tools Click on messages Click on send email to create a new email Select your recipients Compose and send
Check your membership How to: Admin tools Click members View list or search for names (View by group might be easier) OR…
View sales reports How to: Admin tools Click sales report Select date range Click sales report below – this will bring up how many payments on each product available
View purchasers reports How to: View purchasers reports Admin tools Click sales report Select date range Click purchasers report– this will bring up who has purchased what and when
You must have Welsh translation on your page. Admin tools Click sales report Select date range Click purchasers report– this will bring up who has purchased what and when
Grants: £10,000 allocation for 18/19 to be split between societies and sports. We had 62 applications for the summer grant. Sports and societies asked for £36,249.50 in the summer applications The grant panel will meet in two weeks time to decide on the allocation of funding Grant panel has a new structure Opportunities Office Team: Louisa, Gav, Lucie & Becca 2 society presidents 2 club presidents The four presidents will be chosen in the presidents meeting.