1/2/2019 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Modulation Simulation Results] Date Submitted: [14 September 2005] Source: [Shahriar Emami and Celestino A. Corral] Company : [Freescale Semiconductor] Voice:[(561)544-4064], E-Mail: [ese006@freescale.com] Abstract: [Modulation Proposals Simulation Results] Purpose: [Assist the group in the selection of a modulation scheme] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Shahriar Emami (Freescale)
1/2/2019 Option I Shahriar Emami (Freescale)
1/2/2019 Option II Shahriar Emami (Freescale)
1/2/2019 Option III Shahriar Emami (Freescale)
Modulation & Coding (Option 7) 1/2/2019 Modulation & Coding (Option 7) Bit-to- Symbol Symbol- to-Chip Symbol Repetition Pulse Generator Scrambling {0,1,-1} Ternary Sequence Bit to symbol mapping: group every 2 coded bits into a symbol (after ½ rate Conv Encoding) Symbol-to-chip mapping: Each 2-bit symbol is mapped to one of 4 32-chip sequence, according to 4-ary Ternary Orthogonal Keying Symbol Repetition: for data rate and range scalability Scrambling: with bipolar sequence @ 30.875MHz, to suppress cross correlation sidelobes due to excessive delay spread Pulse Genarator: Transmit Ternary pulses @ 30.875MHz Shahriar Emami (Freescale)
AWGN Performance (Coherent) 1/2/2019 AWGN Performance (Coherent) Shahriar Emami (Freescale)
AWGN Performance (Non-Coherent) 1/2/2019 AWGN Performance (Non-Coherent) Shahriar Emami (Freescale)
Conclusions Coherent: 1/2/2019 Conclusions Coherent: - Performance of Options I and 7 when demodulated by coherent receivers are roughly the same. - Option III (coherent) is about 4 dB inferior to options I and 7. Non-coherent: - Option 7 is 3 dB inferior to option I. Shahriar Emami (Freescale)