Social Reasons For Participation INCREASED LEISURE TIME - people nowadays have much more leisure time than in the past. Some people like to spend this time visiting health and fitness clubs whilst others prefer a walk in the countryside. Another reason is that people are much more mobile now so a visit to the seaside for example is easy to access. There are several reasons for this increase in leisure time
THE SHORTER WORKING WEEK - in the UK today workers work 37 hours per week or less, during the 1960’s it was common to work between 40 and 44 hours. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES - technology has reduced the hours it used to take to do many jobs. There are also other benefits for example advances in medicine has meant people are living longer and therefore able to take part in leisure and sporting activities beyond retirement age. EARLY RETIREMENT - more people now take an early retirement than ever before UNEMPLOYMENT - unemployment gives people time to take part in sport and leisure activities. However money can be an issue.
Walking in the countryside is a popular leisure activity
WHY PEOPLE PARTICIPATE There are three general categories that can help us to understand why sport and recreation might be important to many people HEALTH - people are becoming more concerned with their health and well being LEISURE - many people like to participate in physical activity simply because they enjoy it. It also provides a great opportunity to socialise and make new friends VOCATION - there are thousands of people who take part in sport and physical activities simply because its their job .
The Role of The School In Promoting Participation SPORT IN SCHOOL - schools encourage participation in sport in a number of different ways such as a performer, organiser, coach, captain and there are many more. This can lead to continued participation into adulthood, especially when links with sport clubs and leisure centres are established school promote sport through PE and GAMES as
COMPULSORY LESSONS National Curriculum (5-16 years) Games Gymnastics Athletics Dance Swimming
EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Representative teams Sport activity clubs Residential Holidays Visits to Leisure Clubs Links with the Local Clubs Specialist Coaching Clinics
AWARDS AND EXAMS Sport Specific Achievement Awards/Certificates e.g. BAGA, ASA Sports Leaders Award GCSE Level Exam ‘A’ Level Exam GNVQ
ACTIVITIES AVAILAVBLE FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN - depend on Facilities within a school Facilities outside a school - links with sports clubs, leisure centres, etc. Experience, expertise and enthusiasm of the teaching staff Access to specialist coaching - links with clubs, sports governing bodies, development officer, award schemes A school’s specialisation - e.g. sports college
Social Background POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE INFLUENCES ON PARTICIPATION - everyone is subject to factors which may influence their participation in a sport or activity. ACCESS depends on how near you live to a sports facility. AGE some sports or activities are more appropriate to certain age group people may participate less as they get older
Athletes with disability - not disabled athletes this may limit the number and types of sport available and who can actually participate. Many sports are doing more to provide for disabled athletes Athletes with disability - not disabled athletes disability sport - not disabled sport!
EDUCATION A positive school experience may lead to continued participation in later life. Compulsory PE in state schools up to the age of 16 FAMILY provide early introduction to activities role models (parents and siblings) encouragement and support
ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE top winter sports people tend to come from the cold, mountainous regions/environments
GENDER male participation is higher than female more sports and activities are available to males almost all professional sport award less prize money for women's events than men's THE MEDIA can raise the awareness of sports, activities and healthy lifestyles promote role models increase the popularity of minority sports
PEER GROUP friends of similar age or background can be either active or non-active in sport. This could influence or place pressure on peers. POLITICS government involvement on how much is spent on providing facilities for public use the ‘elite’ may receive special help to promote excellence and national pride. In 1960 the western world began to see the emergence of athletes from eastern European countries that were almost unbeatable. This success was a result of state policy.
POVERTY unemployment limits participation due to lack of money some sports are too expensive local communities or countries may be too poor to provide facilities SPONSORSHIP sponsorship is a very big business in sport a definition of sponsorship in sport might be that it is ‘ the funding of sporting activity for commercial gain’ ( Institute of Sport Sponsorship, funded in 1985)
England captain David Beckham earns millions just from all his sponsorship deals
RACE, TRADITION AND CULTURE in some countries National Sports are more popular. Sport is important with professional performers having a high profile women’s sport is still disapproved of occasions in past when countries have been excluded from participation in international sporting events because of their discrimination against ethnic groups between 1964 and 1992 South Africa were banned from the Olympic Games as the culture of the white people who ruled the country would not accept that white and black people are equal under the policy of Apartheid black and white people were not allowed to mix.
Local and National Facilities When assessing what facilities are provided within the UK and whether they have an effect on participation in sport and activity. Both local provision and national provision must take focus. LOCAL PROVISION - the major providers of facilities in most localities are: LOCAL AUTHORIY PRIVATE ENTERPRISE PRIVATE AND VOLUNTARY CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS
LOCAL AUTHORITY they encourage participation through: the provision of public facilities the dual use of school facilities the organisation of special sessions at sports centres PRIVATE ENTERPRISE a number of recreational and sporting facilities are now offered by private health and sports clubs members normally pay a joining fee followed by their membership. Non-member cannot use the facilities.
PRIVATE AND VOLUNTARY CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS there is a difference between private facilities that are run as a business and those run by their members which exist to provide playing and social facilities for them these non-profit making clubs and associations are usually run by elected committees the committees work voluntary for the good of the rest of the membership NATIONAL PROVISION similar to local provision, the provision of national facilities comes from a mixture of public and private funding
THE SPORTS COUNCIL UK sport (formerly known as the Sports Council) is an organisation which deals with the development of sport and sporting performances in the UK as a whole. Each home country also has its own sports council, for example, SPORT ENGLAND. Sport England is concerned with encouraging participation and performance in sport and recreational activity
NATIONAL CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE centres of excellence are used: by sports governing bodies to support performers at all levels for training and coaching programmes to provide injury clinics by elite athletes, players and teams to further educate coaches
The six centres of excellence are: Manchester - Cycling Bisham Abbey - Tennis Plas y Brehin - Outdoor Pursuits Lilleshall - Football and Gymnastics Holme Pierrepoint - Water Sports Crystal Palace - Athletics, Swimming and Diving
Gymnastic Facilities at Lilleshall
THE ADMINISTRATION OF SPORT a new development which came out of the Soviet involvement in sport in the 1960s, 70s and 80s was its use of special schools, or institutes, which existed solely for the purpose of producing excellence in sport. These institutes provided facilities for the development of athletics, coaches, sports, scientists and a host of related services in the 1990s a similar structure started to build up in the UK Britain’s poor performance in Atlanta in the Olympic Games said to have an effect in the restructuring the way sport is organised in the UK
the current structure is centred upon an organisation called UK Sport UK Sport is to administer the United Kingdom Sports Institute (UKSI). The English Institutes of Sport is currently a network of nine regional centres the current slogan on which Sport England bases its activities is MORE PEOPLE, MORE PLACES, MORE MEDALS
While medals are important, Sport England believes it is also essential to attract as many people as possible into active participation