Jupiter This is an image of Jupiter Edward And Aaron
FACTS ABOUT JUPITER Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and was found by Galileo Galliei Jupiter spins in less than 10 hours.
HISTORY ABOUT JUPITER Galileo Galliei discovered Jupiter on January 10,1610. He found it by using the four satellites around Jupiter Jupiter was named after the king of the roman gods
Solar System Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun . The rotation speed of Jupiter is ten hours even though it is the largest planet in our solar system.
Moons Jupiter has the most moons in total of 63-67 Some of the biggest moons that Jupiter has are Europa,Gaymade and Callisto This is a picture of Europa.
More Jupiter Facts Up close Jupiter looks like yellowish brownish and tanish. Jupiter’s clouds are made out of Hydrogen gas.
Rings Jupiter’s rings are made out of terenouos. Another thing that is made out of Jupiter’s rings is dusty structures.
Exploration Jupiter has the most satellites of four. So far no body has been on my planet because it’s a gas planet.
Interesting Facts Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and was found by Galileo Galilei Jupiter look like to us like a bright in the night. Jupiter can fit up to 1,300 earths. A storm has been there for about two hundred years.