The Science of Sociology Unit 1
TABLE TALK Watch / Read the Parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant In what sense are all the perspectives the same? What is a totally different way of seeing the elephant? What might sociology see that other sciences might not see?
Recognition of Personal Bias Science attempts to control our bias, to set up procedures to observe things as they are Cultural Relativism: Judge cultures by their own standards Need scientific method: objective, systematic way of collecting empirical data and arriving at reasoned conclusions
Four Ways of Knowing about the World We know through authority We know through personal experience We know through thinking Logic is part of scientific approach Need evidence to accomplish good thinking We know through scientific evidence Forces us to PROVE opinions Prove through objectively, systematically gathered data
Scientific Theories Attempt to understand why things happen Religious cults, suicide, individual achievement, etc. Cause is more than a description Theories establish cause Attempt to generalize, go beyond concrete situation Test simple, concrete idea, not abstract concept Never-ending circular process: theories are always open to investigation
Methods Case Study Survey Method Intensive study of person, group, organization, institution, etc. Enables in-depth study, not a generalization Survey Method Gather data from many people Sample selected from larger population Questionnaire: written survey
Methods Continued… C. Observation D. Content Analysis Natural: Observe from afar in natural environment Controlled: sets up variable to see how people react Participant: researcher involved in interaction D. Content Analysis Counts number of times a particular word, stereotype, attitude, idea, value, etc. appears in certain context TV, radio, movies, photographs, art, newspaper, magazine, etc.
Methods Continued…. E. Historical Analysis Examine past materials (documents, buildings, pictures, toys, etc.) to determine what has taken place Enables researchers to make comparisons between past and present, study trends
Methods Continued… G. Experimental Method F. Statistical Analysis (Correlation) Identifies degree of relationship between variables Example: Does increased sex ed decrease teen pregnancy G. Experimental Method Contrive set-up, manipulate independent variable Control and experimental groups Identifies cause and effect
Reflection: 24-Hours in a Day Chart Draw a circle in your notes and create a pie chart. Estimate the number of hours you spend doing the following…What do you spend most of your time doing? Sleep Homework School Work With Friends With Family Other
Reflection: How would you use the SM? Identify a social question or problem you are interested in. Explain the steps you would take to solve the problem using the scientific method. What kind of research methods would you use?