1 Authentic assessment of game performance: Combined approaches leading to self-assessment Tim Hopper PE352
2 How do we get students actively involved in their learning? What does it look like? How does assessment affect student learning? What are alternative methods of assessment?
3 Context of example in presentation Aim of physical education is to encourage students to pursue an active lifestyle Specific examples drawn from University performance and analysis classes in tennis (PE117 and PE461)
4 In both PE117 and PE461 the assessment procedures culminate in a university grade. Consider… How can these examples be transferred into other contexts?
5 Overview of presentation 1.Four frames of assessment 2.Game performance and the 4Rs 3.Practical Examples 4.Student responses 5.Why do we assess?
6 Assessment - Other/Self-Other/Self 1.Grade based on teachers test and/or judgment (Other decides) 2.Grade based on student self-assessment and judged by teacher (Self has input into judgment by Other) 3.Learning based on student self-assessment and supported by the teacher (Self decides guided by Others) 4.Self-initiated learning by students (Self decides working with Others)
7 Theory of Games Teaching/Learning Game performance combines tactical awareness for appropriate motor skill selection and motor skill execution* 1.Movement (off-the-ball) 2.Skill selection 3.Skill execution *Griffin, L. L., Mitchell, S. A., & Oslin, J. L. (1997). Teaching sport concepts and skills : A tactical games approach. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
8 Anatomy of a game performance* READ RESPOND REACT RECOVER Tactical Awareness Player decision making Off-the ball movement skill selection then skill execution On-the ball skill selection then skill execution Off-the ball movement skill selection then skill execution Recover *Hopper. (2003). Four R's for tactical awareness: Applying game performance assessment in net/wall games. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, March, (In press).
9 Castle game: Practical for 4Rs See Articles section on Website
10 Other decides (teacher) Officiating rules exam* (graded)Officiating rules exam (Closed) Stroke analysis assignment* (graded) (Structured teacher but Open-ended solution)Stroke analysis assignment Course log* (pass/fail) (Structured teacher but very open solutions)Course log [*
11 Reflection Teacher knowledge valued Student focused on finding our what teacher values Course log started to shift the way content was organized - based on student program (teacher prep, kinesiology, leisure admin.) the detail and focus varied.
12 Self has input into judgment by Other (teacher then peers, graded) Rubric assessment criteria Other as teacher then Other as peer Drives For more examples link to
Drives Criteria
15 Reflection Criteria set a progression for improvement The path to success was broken down and encouraged goal setting by students Students helped each other improve with highest level grade in a skill category achieved for coaching peers up one level.
16 Self decides guided by Others (peers) Adapted game performance assessment instrument (GPAI)* - uses criteria based on how you play the game Modeled Authentic assessment - improved student performance in a game In-process assessment based on tactical awareness and skill execution in game play. *Griffin, L. L., Mitchell, S. A., & Oslin, J. L. (1997). Teaching sport concepts and skills : A tactical games approach. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
17 Criteria for game performance Game Performance Components 1.Base – Recover to position behind or attacking opponents target area. 2.Decision Making - Read with anticipatory movement of moving- back to protect play area to then press/defend or moving-in to attack opponents response. 3.Cover – Respond with quick split-step preparation as opponent strikes the ball 4.Adjust – React to ball with weight-shift movement into shot execution. 5.Shot execution - Efficient performance of selected shot 6.Support - Respond to partner receiving the ball by moving to a position to receive/cover a pass/shot.
18 Game performance and the 4Rs Decision Making Cover Adjust Base Skill execution
19 A Point…
20 Skill
21 Base
22 Base
23 Decision Making
24 Decision Making
25 Cover
26 Cover
27 Adjust
28 Adjust
29 Skill
30 Skill
31 Base
32 Decision Making
33 Cover
34 Adjust
35 Rest of Point
36 Criteria for skill selection and execution
37 Criteria for off-the-ball movement
38 Level 1 Criteria recording for a point played
39 Level 2 Judging each shot played
40 New Idea Criteria and tally system combined
41 Seeing the 4Rs Base Decision Cover Adjust
42 Reflection Students valued each others efforts Students learned to observe game performance as they realized how to READ game play READing led to the 4Rs cycle becoming more meaningful and automatic
43 Comments from students After course grade was completed students were asked to comment on the game performance assessment instrument (GPAI) process. This is what they said…
44 About GPAI assessment process Its a learning environment for both the player and coder, it also prepares you to become a better coach or teacher. Students realise that they are evaluated not in comparison to others, but rather in terms of individual improvement and not just skill performance.
45 Learning about Base As a beginner I was unaware of my poor base. As soon as Kevin pointed it out there was an immediate improvement.
46 Learning Decisions Making Before this class I never read the opponents response to my hit; I would just react. By figuring out whether the opponent is hitting forward or on their back foot I can stay at the baseline or move forward. This is making the game a lot easier and Im winning a lot more points.
47 Learning to Cover and Adjust Reviewing my GPAI form I was relieved to see that my base and decision-making were excellent…my game falls apart in the cover, adjust and skill execution portions. The reason is due to split-stepping being a new idea to me.
48 Finally - Space for practicing Self decides working with Others Attendance and participation: Worth 12 marks equal to 12% of course marks. Failure to attend class will result in marks not be earned. Full attendance and participation will result in 10/12 of marks (approximate ½ mark for each class attended). Evidence of practice outside of class will make up the remaining 2/12 of marks for participation (approximate ½ mark for each practice session). Additional practice outside of class will be considered as make up for any absences from class. Students are required to register class attendance and practices before the class begins (RECORD OF PARTICIPATION).
49 Reflection Participation assessment valued and made it an expectation that students practiced outside of class Students felt they were treated like an adult - make up if miss class. Students saw it as a win/win situation - if they practiced it was acknowledged and would lead to better practical performance Recreational habit forming - Class of 24 (2001) only 2 practiced less than 4 times outside class with 8 practicing more than 8 times. Problem to find time with work commitments and course workload
50 Conclusion Progressive assessment techniques that shift responsibility from teacher to students. The GPAI values and diagnoses tactical play, it helps students read game play cues which in turn helps them enjoy playing more. Reading creates a reason for skill practice. In my experience students become more focused on improving skills when they can play a game, can appreciate the play of a game. I suggest that the combination of assessment tasks moved students towards becoming self-initiated learners of tennis.
51 Why do we assess? Help students to learn Not discourage students from trying Recognize how student improving Combined Assessment methods Teacher to students assessment approaches led students of all ability levels to self-assess and take responsibility for their own development
52 Discussion Can this example be transferred to other activities?