HELCOM MORE 8 meeting outcome


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Presentation transcript:

HELCOM MORE 8 meeting outcome Joni Kaitanta, HELCOM Secretariat Joni Kaitaranta

MORE8: Outcome 13-14 January 2014 in Berlin Meeting tasks: To develop HELCOM Monitoring manual further by making use of the guidance provided by EC Document (DIKE DG Documents 4,5,6 : reporting sheet and list of subprogrammes) Start filling in the fact sheet templates with examples Back to back with CORESET II project to have both monitoring experts and indicator experts developing the manual Meeting outcome (available in CIRCA): Updated version of HELCOM monitoring manual Template of filling programmes (Descriptors) to provide input to some programme-level questions Template of filling subprogrammes (to respond to reporting sheet Q9) List of sub-programmes based on list provided by the EC Joni Kaitaranta

MORE8: Outcome Meeting outcome: Para 4.9: “Some EU sub-programmes were considered too broad, e.g. mobile species, while in other cases redundancies were apparent e.g. between pressures and human activities. The Meeting further noted that the draft of sub-programmes are based on an assessment perspective while the proposed HELCOM fact sheets are presented from a practical side i.e. in relation to the practical monitoring of the HELCOM Contracting Parties. ” Para 4.17: “The Meeting agreed on the indicative list of HELCOM monitoring programme topics and sub-programmes as proposed in Annex 3, recognizing that when filled in by experts changes may be proposed.” Joni Kaitaranta

Eutrophication (D5) Programme topics Monitoring programmes Hydrography Biodiversity (D1, D4, D6) -vertebrates -pelagic habitats -benthic habitats Hydrochemistry Phytoplankton Zooplankton Fish, shellfish and fisheries Commercial fish (D3) Birds General description of monitoring programme Non-indigenous species (D2) Mammals Subprogrammes Concentration of contaminants Eutrophication (D5) Contaminants in seafood Inputs Biological effects of contaminants Hydrographical changes Biological disturbance Litter Contaminants (D8, D9) Underwater noise Non indigenous species Litter (D10) Seabed habitat distr. and extent Energy, including underwater noise (D11) Species distribution and abundance Benthic physical loss and damage

MORE8: Outcome Fact sheet content: General information Responsible HELCOM subsidiary body Purpose of monitoring (Q8a list) Human activities and/or their pressures (Q 7a-c) as well as natural factors / variability (e.g. climate change; Q 5e) addressed Monitoring and assessment requirements (Q5d, Q5f, Q6a-d, Q7e) Monitoring concepts (Q9, Q4) Characteristics, parameters, method, QA/QC, Frequency, Density, Spatial scope (map service), Link to indicators Spatial coverage (Q10a,b) Gaps in monitoring (Q5, Q6, Q7) Data providers and access (Q10c, d) (Art 19.3) Literature (for further reference) Joni Kaitaranta

MORE8: Berlin 12-13 January 2014 Programme topics MORE sub-programmes - Proposed sub-programmes by MORE 8 participants EU sub-programmes - List of indicative subprogrammes DIKE DG Doc 6 Hydrography Temperature, salinity, transparency, turbidity Water column characteristics (temperature and salinity)   Water column characteristics (transparency) Waves, currents (sealevel) Water column characteristics (other, including current/wave action) Ice Hydrochemistry O2, pH, pCO2 (H2S) Water column characteristics (oxygen) Water column characteristics (pH/pCO2) Nutrients Nutrient concentrations in water column Phytoplankton Phytoplankton – Pigments Pelagic community composition and species abundance Phytoplankton - Species composition, abundance and biomass Plankton biomass Zooplankton Zooplankton - Species composition, abundance and biomass Fish shellfish and fisheries Fish - Coastal fish Mobile species distribution and abundance/biomass Fish - Migratory fish Mobile species habitat status Fish - Offshore fish Species population age/size structure Commercial shellfish Fisheries bycatch Birds Birds - Marine breeding birds abundance and distribution Species breeding success Birds - Marine bird health Species health status (individual/population level) Birds - Marine wintering birds abundance and distribution Mortality/injury rates from fisheries (targetted and/or incidental) Mammals Mammals - Seal abundance Mortality/injury rates from other human activities Mammals - Health status Mortality/injury rates from marine litter Mammals - Harbor porpoise abundance MORE8: Berlin 12-13 January 2014 Joni Kaitaranta

MORE8: Berlin 12-13 January 2014 Programme topics MORE sub-programmes - Proposed sub-programmes by MORE 8 participants EU sub-programmes - List of indicative subprogrammes Concentrations of contaminants Contaminants in water Contaminant concentrations in water/sediment   Contaminants in sediment Contaminants levels in species Contaminants in biota Contaminants in seafood Inputs Nutrient inputs from atmosphere Nutrient inputs from land-based (diffuse/point) sources Contaminant inputs from atmosphere Nutrient inputs from landbased sources Contaminant inputs from landbased sources Contaminant inputs from land-based (diffuse/point) sources Nutrient inputs from seabased sources Contaminant inputs from sea-based (point) sources Contaminant inputs from seabased sources Acute pollutioon Contaminant inputs from sea-based (acute) sources, incl. oil spills Biological effects of contaminants TBT /imposex Other biological effects montoring to be developed Biological disturbance Litter inputs from land-based (riverine) sources Litter Macrolitter characteristics and abundance/volume Litter characteristics and abundance/volume Litter microparticle abundance/volume Underwater noise Acute underwater noise distribution, frequency and levels Diffuse underwater noise distribution, frequency and levels Non indigenous species Non-indigenous species distribution and abundance/biomass MORE8: Berlin 12-13 January 2014 Joni Kaitaranta

MORE8: Berlin 12-13 January 2014 Programme topics MORE sub-programmes - Proposed sub-programmes by MORE 8 participants EU sub-programmes - List of indicative subprogrammes Seabed habitat distribution and extent Habitat-forming species and substrates [Seabed habitat distribution and extent (Interpreted to be at programme level, not sub-programme. Monitoring concerns parts of habitat not the habitat directly)]   Seabed habitat physical characteristics Habitat-forming species extent and/or volume Species distribution and abundance / Benthic community Hardbottom Species Benthic community composition and species abundance/biomass Softbottom fauna Benthic species distribution and abundance/biomass Softbottom flora [Seabed habitat chemical characteristics (Interpreted as supportive parameter for softbottom fauna. Not sub-programme)] Benthic physical loss and damage (In future maybe included in "Seabed habitat distribution and extent) Distribution, extent and frequency of activities extracting non-living resources (sand, gravel, dredging, desalination) Distribution, extent and frequency of activities extracting living resources (fisheries including recreational, maerl, seaweed) Distribution and extent of activities with permanent infrastructures (e.g. energy production) MORE8: Berlin 12-13 January 2014 Joni Kaitaranta

MORE 8 outcome These EU sub.programmes couldn't be allocated to the programme topics at this time: Microbial pathogen levels in biota (seafood) Distribution, extent and frequency of food production (aquaculture) Distribution, extent and frequency of sea-based mobile activities (shipping, boating) Distribution, extent and frequency of coastal human activities (e.g. tourism) Distribution, extent and frequency of relevant land-based activities Effectiveness of measures Name Surname

MORE 8 outcome Technical aspects: Information clearly available for sub-programme level questions (9), not XML export for 2014 reporting round Snapshot functionality required (print to pdf with time stamp) MORE8 outcome: Para 5.5 “The meeting discussed that it would be needed to communicate to WG DIKE that the national sub-programme IDs would be accompanied with regional subprogramme IDs in the reporting process.” Q4g (Guidance, Regional coding to subprogrammes will be developed) Name Surname