What is USG Humanitarian Assistance? Humanitarian Assistance (USAID & State Dept.) Relief Stabilization FDR; Dislocated Civilian Support Msns; Security Msns; Technical Assistance & Support Functions; Humanitarian Demining Assistance Stability Operations (HCA Activities; Security Assistance; FID; Peace Operations; NEO; Civil-Military Operations; Mass Atrocities Response Operations) We know what Foreign Assistance is now, but how about Humanitarian Assistance, which is a subset of Foreign Assistance? What is the definition of USG Humanitarian Assistance? What does this mean to you? What does this mean to us? Elicit answers. Unfortunately, State and USAID define this differently from DOD. Neither is right or wrong, just different. State Dept. and USAID define humanitarian assistance as life-saving, immediate relief. USAID Missions (Big USAID) have the lead at the other end of the spectrum. DoD HA/DR includes USAID’s HA & some DEVELOPMENT programs. It could be providing relief commodities via helicopter after a disaster (one end of spectrum) or building a medical clinic or roads (other end). Point out that other civilian agencies are involved with development. Not only DOD! Humanitarian Assistance (DOD) For USAID & State Department, humanitarian assistance is generally considered emergency assistance in life-saving relief efforts. For DOD, humanitarian assistance can include activities along relief to development spectrum.
HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE Foreign Humanitarian Assistance - DOD humanitarian assistance (HA) function includes several DOD programs conducted to build the capacity of partner nations to provide essential services or to meet basic human needs to ensure the well-being of the population. - Foreign Assistance: Civil or military assistance rendered to a nation by the USG within that nation’s territory based on agreements mutually concluded between the US and that nation. The goal is to promote long-term regional stability. Foreign assistance supports the HN by promoting sustainable development and growth of responsive institutions. Joint Publication 3-0, Joint Operations. As of: 02 OCT 2018 Foreign Humanitarian Assistance FHA CAN SUPPORT DOD HA DEVELOPMENT - Foreign Disaster Relief (FDR): Assistance to alleviate the suffering of foreign disaster victims, including victims of natural disasters & conflicts, IDPs, refugees, stateless persons, & vulnerable migrants. (DODD 5100.46) Dislocated Civilian Support: DOD support due to its unique capabilities (e.g., specific engineering skills) . Security Operations - Technical Assistance and Support Functions: Technical assistance may take the form of advice and selected training, assessments, manpower, and equipment. - Joint Publication 3-29, Foreign Humanitarian Assistance - Short-term, no-notice, limited contingency disaster response. - Conducted outside the U.S. and its territories. - HN must ask for or be willing to accept USG assistance. - Beyond the HN’s ability to adequately respond. - Lead US Federal Agency is USAID/OFDA - OFDA Funded. - Indirect Support - Direct - Combat Operations - JP 3-22, Foreign Internal Defense - Establish Civil Security Control - Restore Essential Services - Support Governance Economic and Infrastructure Development - Conduct Security Cooperation - JP 3-07, Stability Foreign Internal Defense Funding: Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid (OHDACA) Provided to DSCA for prioritization and distribution to the CCMDs ~ $100M+ annually worldwide Purpose: Security Cooperation (SC) Disaster preparedness and response HN capacity building - DSCA, Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) - Medical, surgical, dental, & veterinary care; including education, training, & technical assistance related to the care provided. - Construction of rudimentary surface transportation systems. - Well drilling & construction of sanitation facilities. - Rudimentary construction & repair of public facilities. ALL projects must be coordinated with USAID and require HN nation & local authority and US Ambassador/Chief of Mission/DCM approval. DODI 2205.02: Humanitarian and Civic Assistance (HCA) Activities Humanitarian Assistance (Title 10) Program Manager: Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA); OSD Policy oversight Describes both Security Cooperation Programs & Security Assistance Programs Humanitarian and Civic Assistance - Long-term, pre-planned activities tied to Combatant Commander’s Campaign Plans (CCPs). Promotes security interests of both US & HN/PN. Purpose: Operational Readiness of US forces. Product: humanitarian - benefiting the civilian populace. Funding: Military Service O&M Funds: $7-9 M annually worldwide. - Command-approved HCA projects: $15K or less . - Complements, not duplicates, social/economic assistance provided by other USG agencies - Defense Articles Military Education and Training - Defense Related Sales (Funded through grants, loans, lease, credit, and cash sales, in furtherance of national policies and objectives) Security Assistance Programs (Title 22) - All SA programs are subject to the continuous supervision and general direction of the Secretary of State to best serve U.S. foreign policy interests; - Programs are variously administered by DoD or Department of State (DoS). - Those SA programs that are administered by DOD are a subset of SC.