Religious Center 3 Religions: -Judaism, Christianity, Islam all started in SW Asia (The Middle East) Jerusalem (located in Israel): -a city where Jews, Christians, Muslims have lived for centuries
THE BASICS 3 Religions believe: one God-monotheism each led by a single person set of sacred writings Jerusalem
Birth of Christianity
8 to 4 BC Jewish boy, Jesus, born in Bethlehem in ancient Palestine (Israel)
4 Gospels -story of his life started 30 yrs. after Jesus’ death -Christian scripture in Bible (New Testament)
EARLY LIFE -Jesus grew up Galilee -baptized by his cousin John the Baptist -Jesus traveled preaching religion of love and forgiveness, and performing miracles -people (disciples) came to hear his words
MESSIAH Jewish people: -believed a Messiah, or savior would come to lead them out of exile Messiah: -some people believed Jesus was the Messiah -Jesus became know as Christ, Greek for Messiah
Christians -people who believed in Jesus’ ideas and teachings Government &Religious Leaders: -feared Jesus teaching as threat to their power -Jesus came to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover was betrayed by Judas, a Disciple -Jesus arrested, tried, crucified and died
THE WORD Jesus Disciples: -spread his teachings and their belief that he was the Messiah promised in Jewish scripture Roots in Judaism: -new religion Christianity developed Christianity: -based on life and teaching of Jesus -spread to other parts of world from Jerusalem