Intro to Critical Zone Science InTeGrate Teaching Team Energy Flux Discovery Intro to Critical Zone Science InTeGrate Teaching Team
Common Water & Energy Fluxes Interception Un- saturated Zone Two more representations of these fluxes. I would have colored the flux arrows in the l.h. diagram the opposite (blue for water; red for energy). Flux-PIHM model – SSH CZO Source: see permission refs pg. 2 Saturated Zone GW Flows Arrows Reservoirs Boxes Flux-PIHM model – SSH CZO
clouds? wetter? Data derived from Ameriflux Network Web Site ( Funding for AmeriFlux data resources was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. US-Vcp – Marcy Litvak AmeriFlux US-Vcp Valles Caldera Ponderosa Pine, doi:10.17190/AMF/1246122 Link: US-Kon - Nathaniel Brunsell AmeriFlux US-Kon Konza Prairie LTER (KNZ), doi:10.17190/AMF/1246068 Link: US-Me2 - Bev Law AmeriFlux US-Me2 Metolius mature ponderosa pine, doi:10.17190/AMF/1246076 Link: US-WBW - Tilden Meyers AmeriFlux US-WBW Walker Branch Watershed, doi:10.17190/AMF/1246109 Link: CA-Man - Brian Amiro AmeriFlux CA-Man Manitoba - Northern Old Black Spruce (former BOREAS Northern Study Area), doi:10.17190/AMF/1245997 Link: BR-Sa3 - Mike Goulden AmeriFlux BR-Sa3 Santarem-Km83-Logged Forest, doi:10.17190/AMF/1245995 Link: cold
Activity-Monthly Ameriflux Energy Fluxes VC, NM – Pine Forest KP, KS - Prairie Met, OR – Pine Forest WB, TN– Deciduous Forest Man, Can– Pine Forest LBA, BR– Logged Tropical Forest Take some time to have the students speculate as to what is responsible for the seasonal and monthly trends in this data. Note: all scales have been fixed. Questions you might ask: Are deviations in Rn real or due to bad data? What patterns do you see? What controls the partitioning of H and LE? What causes changes to magnitude and timing of fluxes? Explain the evolution of fluxes with time. What other ecosystems might be interesting to explore using these diagrams and what would you expect?
Activity-Monthly Ameriflux Energy Fluxes VC, NM – Pine Forest KP, KS - Prairie Met, OR – Pine Forest DQ? DQ? WB, TN– Deciduous Forest Man, Can– Pine Forest LBA, BR– Logged Tropical Forest DQ? Take some time to have the students speculate as to what is responsible for the seasonal and monthly trends in this data. Note: all scales have been fixed. Questions you might ask: Are deviations in Rn real or due to bad data? What patterns do you see? What controls the partitioning of H and LE? What causes changes to magnitude and timing of fluxes? Explain the evolution of fluxes with time. What other ecosystems might be interesting to explore using these diagrams and what would you expect?