Raising awareness of EU Ecolabel CB Forum, March 2013 Silvia Ferratini
Awareness raising campaign in a test market Phase I (2009-2010) Phase II (2011-2012) Finalisation of the EU Ecolabel marketing concept; development, pre-testing and production of communication messages and tools Campaign execution in UK as a test-market Funding Phase I: 420 k Funding Phase 2: 285 K + 80 k TOTAL: 785 k Phase III - Broader European campaign roll-out in cooperation with Member States and retailers Lack of funding
Awareness rasing campaign – Phase II Planned in-store activities turned out to be unfeasible (co-signed EC and DEFRA letter sent to 12 major retailers; only 1 interested but selling only 6 EU Ecolabelled products) Activities shifted to maximisation of EU Ecolabel media coverage (March-July 2012) Aim: Direct traffic to the EU Ecolabel website and increase awareness of the EU Ecolabel among the UK audience
Awareness rasing campaign – Phase II Activities Revamping of EU Ecolabel website On –line advertising Displaying text and banner adverts (this included mobile banners as well as computer/laptop advertising) using Google's on-line advertising tool, Google Adwords and Facebook Animation video on the EU Ecolabel website and Youtube and advertorial videos on four mainstream consumer media sites Publication of advertorials on 6 key magazines in the UK
Awareness rasing campaign – Phase II Results Some success in driving traffic to website but no subtantial changes in numbers Video viewed more than 1650 times in a month Positive reaction of consumers/jurnalists to the video Increased mentioning of EU Ecolabel in on-line conversations (neutral or positive tone) Two pieces of coverage on on-line blogs but no national coverage
Lessons learnt - For a successfull campaign we need: To design an integrated campaign Strategic partnership with retailers and the media; ambassadors Have mainstream brands/products Ecolabelled Strong position and an angle to bring to the debate in order to gain the interest of journalists and other stakeholders - newshook Strong social media presence Strenghten Ecolabel credibility before journalist will suppotr it publically
Seed funding – Leverage – Synergize What is the way forward? No big EC budget but little money for smaller activities (2013: marketing and promotion of the EU Ecolabel for printed paper products; EU Ecolabel on Facebook; Euronews magazine on a succesfull business case) More marketing activities can be carried out by the Ecolabel Helpdesk Need to utilise existing channels (e.g. Retail Forum, Resource efficiency campaign) Need to synergize CBs' and MSs’ activities Need to have big companies 'on board' Seed funding – Leverage – Synergize Let's join our efforts!!!
Dedicated regular sessions of CBs Forum? Aims: Share information on already planned marketing activities in order to seek to improve coherence Discuss together any future marketing activities to be planned in order to maximise synergies and coherence (e.g. focus on agreed products and or channels) This session may be key contributor to Action Plan to promote EU Ecolabel foreseen by the Regulation (Art. 12.1) and currently included in the Ecolabel Work Plan.
What is your view? Thank you!