Job Performance Requirement 7-4 Donning SCBAFace Piece
the chin properly located in the chin pocket. A With the head straps/ harness in the full out position, hold the head harness with one hand while placing the face piece on the face, with the chin properly located in the chin pocket.
B Tighten the neck or lower straps by simultaneously pulling both straps to the rear.
C Check the fit of the head harness by stroking the harness down the back of the head. Retighten the neck straps as necessary.
D Check for proper seal by attaching the regulator and inhaling a breath, activating the regulator. Hold that breath for about five seconds and listen and feel for any air leaks. JPR 7-4D
E Pull on protective hood to cover exposed skin and head E Pull on protective hood to cover exposed skin and head. Place helmet on head with earflaps down. Pull up coat collar and buckle. Snug or buckle helmet straps. Place gloves on hands. JPR 7-4E