End of Unit – self assessment Name of unit:__________________________________________ How successful do you think have you been in this unit ? Circle best (1) poor, (2) fair, (3) good, (4) very good and (5) excellent What do you think you have done well? _____________________ ______________________________________________________ What have you learnt this unit (what can you do now that you couldn’t before? ________________________________________ Have you found anything difficult? __________________________ What can you do, yourself, to improve? ______________________ What can your teacher do to help you improve? _______________ _____________________________________________________ Teacher comment: ______________________________________ Mark/Grade________________________Date________________ End of Unit – self assessment Name of unit:__________________________________________ How successful do you think have you been in this unit ? Circle best (1) poor, (2) fair, (3) good, (4) very good and (5) excellent What do you think you have done well? _____________________ ______________________________________________________ What have you learnt this unit (what can you do now that you couldn’t before? ________________________________________ Have you found anything difficult? __________________________ What can you do, yourself, to improve? ______________________ What can your teacher do to help you improve? _______________ _____________________________________________________ Teacher comment: ______________________________________ Mark/Grade________________________Date________________