MERCIA DEANERY David Meredith Parish Resource Officer Gareth Greenwood Community Project Development Officer
“What are the frustrations about buildings and money in our parishes”? IN GROUPS, DISCUSS: “What are the frustrations about buildings and money in our parishes”? Use the Post-It pads to write these down
What is God calling us to do in our parish What is God calling us to do in our parish? OUR MISSION How will we resource this? STEWARDSHIP Time, talents & money ‘Faithraising’ not ‘Fundraising’…
mission action planning introducing map for derby diocese jason kennedy diocesan missioner • 01332 388691 an overview of map for derby diocese mission action planning “of the many good things we could do at this time, what are the few things that God is calling us to?” Introduced in 2010 and revised in 2016. Often churches will try and do too many things, doing none of them particularly well. So MAP is a planning tool that introduces a more focused way of working (rather than just trying to do everything or the thing in front of us).
a repurposed MAP introducing map for derby diocese jason kennedy diocesan missioner • 01332 388691 an overview of map for derby diocese a repurposed MAP used across the whole common life of the church a tool for the health and flourishing of our churches learning from the lessons of the last seven years - more flexible with lead-in stage - less ‘market/business’ language As a Diocese we’ve been using MAP since 2010 and we have a lot of insight from it. But, we’ve been continuing to work at MAP for the Diocese, modifying it and making it work for our particular needs as a diocese. In a recent survey on MAP that we undertook, one person said, “I’d use it if it could fit on one page!” and here it is. Please get in touch with Jason Kennedy if you would like to know more about MAP and how MAP can help.
people-orientated skills practical skills Stewardship of TALENT Identifying what we as individuals do well – our gifts, skills and strengths. Maybe establishing a ‘Pool of Ability’ which can be distinguished between: people-orientated skills practical skills Giving skills & strengths in appropriate ways I want to focus on stewardship and how we can offer support. Starting with the stewardship of talent, identifying our gifts , our skills and our strengths and offering those in appropriate ways. If our worshipping community is large enough, we may have a pool of ability that we can draw on, recognising that we do have different skills sets.
Stewardship of TALENT Nurturing talent at the parish level: Practical support for parishes – Gift Aid claims, advice on book-keeping, support on accounts preparation, support with grant applications and financial analysis Training for treasurers – remember to keep things simple! Sign posting e.g. Friends Schemes Other resources to support My colleagues in Church House have been offering support in nurturing talent in parishes and here are just a few examples: Practical support for parishes: Helping with Gift Aid claims – helping with the registration process and preparing claims Advice on book-keeping – keeping records whether analysis books, spreadsheets etc Support on PCC accounts preparation Grant applications Financial analysis to help frame PCC decisions around reserves policy and investment Help with freeing up restricted funds and historic funds I have run a treasurer training session in this deanery All this support to help volunteers grow in confidence, nurturing talent
Time for Friends & Family Time for Work Time for Rest and Recreation Stewardship of TIME Time for God Time for Friends & Family Time for Work Time for Rest and Recreation Time for the Church Stewardship of time If we think about the stewardship of time and how we might return a portion of our time to the work of our Church it means that we must be accountable for how we responsibly use and divide it each day for work, for rest, and for God. Each of us making time to grow in faith as an essential part of Christian living.
Reflecting on how we use time: What choices do we make? Stewardship of TIME Reflecting on how we use time: What choices do we make? Does our use of time lead to a balanced life? Could we make different choices? Committing time for God. Stewardship of time I appreciate that you have all given up valuable time to be here tonight but it is worth reflecting on how we use time and maybe how we can give more time for our parishes.
Stewardship of TIME Reducing the administrative burden for parishes: A Scheme that is administered centrally but delivered locally Gift aid claims Collecting, counting and banking cash An opportunity for parishes to reflect on stewardship practice Stewardship of time As a Diocese we have joined the Parish Giving Scheme and this was launched last October. In a practical way, this is helping: parishes with their planned giving, and by planned giving I mean giving by weekly numbered envelope or bank standing order. administration and banking of cash to make Gift Aid claims. As they register for the Parish Giving Scheme , some parishes have used the opportunity to think about this new way of giving to the Church to review their own stewardship practice – stewardship of time talents and money. Jon Whiten?
Stewardship of Church finance PCC members, as charity trustees, need to know: How much money is coming in? How much money will you give, spend or save? How much money is left over and what will you do with it? Is the money being spent on the things people gave it for (restricted funds)? Stewardship of our own Church finances. Each PCC is a charity in its own right Members of PCCs are all charity trustees and as such are all stewards of the Church’s money and resources. As a trustee, you must ensure that your PCC is able to meet all its financial responsibilities and that PCC funds and assets are used responsibly. There are four questions that you need to ask:
What are our individual priorities for Church finance? A business – a charity whose accounts must be ‘in the black’. Spending must be for specific reasons and regulated against income at all times. Our Church as a place of escape – where people can go to pray, sing and worship. Very little money is required for such things to happen. A supportive community – whose people and activities help them through their life. They want to ‘chip in’ to pay for necessary costs as best they can. As part of the fabric of the community – always there, to be repaired and beautified as appropriate. Money will be raised for the purpose when it’s needed. As a missionary organisation – rather than ‘spending on ourselves’, funding must be directed towards helping the poor, evangelism and advocating a different set of values to those seen in society at large. Also we have to reflect on the fact that different members of our PCCs will have different priorities for their own parishes finance.
Stewardship of MONEY Helping parishes to reflect on the stewardship of parish finance and giving
Stewardship of MONEY Helping members of our Church to: connect their giving with their faith, seeing their giving as a response to the giving of a generous God. understand that their giving enables mission and ministry, rather than simply paying the bills. feel that they, and their gifts, are valued by the Church
Stewardship of MONEY “Excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7) Giving In Grace builds upon a rich tradition of stewardship theology and good practice in the church. The Parish Funding Programme works well with most sizes of church. It’s particularly strong at helping develop and communicate a church’s vision, and encourage church members to support that vision. As well as communicating with church members, this Simple Giving Programme encourages the church to consider whether it should hold a presentation event, and possibly approach the fringe or wider community.
Growing Learning Healthy Outward Facing