British Literature: the Victorians Journal Topics British Literature: the Victorians
Social Class- Then & Now Journal 9/11/2015 Social Class- Then & Now In Victorian England social class was inherited and there was little opportunity for upward mobility. Social class determined one’s schooling, speech and manners, marriage, career goals, and general quality of life. What factors do you believe determine one’s social class status in 2015? Compare and contrast class mobility in the Victorian era and now.
Talk & Turn Turn the person next to you and discuss what you wrote. Add any new insights to your journal .
Journal 9/14 The Author Is knowing about an author important to you as you read a book? Does learning about an author help increase your understanding or appreciation of a book?
Group Discussion Read through and discuss the 17 statements. Determine if you group leans more on the agree or disagree side. Mark your paper accordingly. Goal would be to see if you can use your powers of persuasion to achieve a group consensus.
Examples of British Impressionism- a late Victorian-era art movement
Journal Think about those in your life who have expectations for you-parents, teachers, friends, coaches, boyfriend/girlfriends, etc. What are others’ expectations of you? Are their expectations consistent with what you expect of yourself, or do you expect something different? “Turn & Talk”
When receiving feedback about your writing (OR ANYTHING ELSE)…. What helps? Encourages? Motivates? What doesn’t help/encourage/motivates? “TURN & TALK”
9/24 Goal: to become familiar with Peermark as a tool to improve writing. Give constructive feedback to your peers to help support their progress with writing. Begin reviews. Use sentence stems to help with wording. Check synergy to see if you have any missing assignments! (i.e. Studyguide….) Know the late policy!
Goals 9/25 Complete the two peermark reviews. Check synergy grades. Anything missing? Know the late work policy: turn in within one week for reduced (75% ) credit. Great Expectations- continue reading 10-19. Study guide due 10/2
Journal 9/28 Great Expectations is considered a “Coming of Age” story, where the protagonist “grows up” during the story. What is another example of a coming of age story that you’ve read or seen as a film? What do you expect to happen in this kind of story?
Group Work: Read “Bildungsroman & Genre: Historical Fiction” article Discuss as a group and respond to the following in your journal: #1,2,4,5,6,8
Turnitin—Revision “Final Draft” of A Vivid Impression” Due 10/2 Once the due date has passed, you will be “locked out” of writing reviews. If you submit a paper late, you will not likely receive feedback . Once a review is submitted, it cannot be changed. Feedback is designed to help improve your overall outcome. The more you receive in a timely manner, the more advantage you have in the revision process.
Bildungsroman- key traits Coming of age story- loses and then finds self, learns to navigate the adult world. Character matures from childhood to adulthood…with difficulties. Undergoes dramatic change, much like in a “hero’s journey”.
Victorian Gothic? How does this painting fit the genre style? What do you imagine is happening in this painting? What is the subject matter? What was the source of inspiration? “Ophelia” –quintessential Pre-Raphealite painting….
Victorian Gothic Style Nostalgic subject matter-about the past Idealized- make more beautiful, or a characterization of reality. Darker themes, moody, atmospheric Semi-supernatural Romantic-strong feelings of (often tragic) emotion
One-minute expert presentations Find an example of “Victorian Gothic” style, either from the 19th century or contemporary. Can be art, music, architecture, fashion, décor, or literature. Display image or play an excerpt of music. Explain what it is & how it fits the genre Present examples to class
Journal 10/5 From memory, try to make a list of characters you have met in the novel. Can you group the characters together by type?
Journal 10/7 Title: Character Portrayal Consider your character for Reader’s Theater; what do you like about them? What do you dislike about them? What do you imagine is going through your character’s head during this scene? What are they thinking about?
Goals 10/9 Review & turn in study guide for 20-29 30-39 due Friday 10/16 Group Work: Literary Element: SATIRE Pass out Reader’s Theater Grades
Group Review of Study Guide As a table group, go over the study guide for 20-29. Discuss questions that you had difficulty with. Add to & change responses as necessary. If there is a question that really stumps you, bring it up to add to class discussion!
Lit Element: Satire As a group, read over and complete Literature Focus: Satire handout. Discuss and fill your analysis of each passage. The group will turn in ONE copy of the handout filled out.
Journal 10/12 “The More Loving One” by W.H. Auden , English poet What is the author’s message in the poem? Connect the poem thematically to the novel. How does the poem reflect similar character, situations, and themes as the novel? “TURN & TALK”