ALL these are “INS” (tied together w/ DRUM SW) Rn Run Winding Sn Start Winding FORWARD CONNECTION YELLOW To L2 (via SW) BLACK To L2 (via SW) To L1 BLUE WARNING! This line HOT, even w/ SW in OFF POS R1 1.0 OHM Centrifugal SW (Open when Running) R2 0.2 OHM S1 1.8 OHM R3 0.8 OHM ORANGE RED WHITE BROWN ALL these are “INS” (tied together w/ DRUM SW) SWAP RED & BLACK for REVERSE direction Correctness of Motor Internals NOT confirmed, Best available info using OHM-Meter (DC measurements) (manual) Date: 15 October, 2011 3:43 PM 1/2/2019 EMERSON_MOTOR_INSIDES.ppt