The Journalist and Newsgathering Mass Media, 2014
Journalism The gathering and dissemination of information about current events, trends, issues, and people.
Purpose of Journalism Provide people with the information they need to be: Free Self-governing
Nine Principles of Journalism First obligation The Truth First loyalty The Citizens Its essence is a discipline of verification Its practitioners must maintain independence from those they cover
It must serve as an independent monitor of power It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise It must strive to make the significant, interesting and relevant It must keep the news comprehensive and proportional Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience
How to Gather Information Interviewing people: Ask open-ended questions Sort fact from fiction Check your sources Examining written record Searching public records Books and internet sources Court transcripts and legal documents Personal Observations Witnessing a story first-hand Watching a fire, viewing a baseball game, etc.