WW1 in Russia Russia joined WW1 on the side of the Allies (France, Great Britain) due to alliances Russia’s transportation system was so primitive that it took 2 weeks to mobilize troops and move them to the Russian-German border Nicholas took control of the army and left St. Petersburg (Petrograd) and joined his troops at the front Army: had modest victories, but lack of transportation, weaponry, ammo and supplies caused tremendous losses By 1915, supply of rifles was exhausted and troops had to enter battle with clubs until a comrade died and they could take their weapon By end of war, Russia had mobilized nearly 15 million soldiers While Nick was at the front, the Tsarina Alexandra controlled day to day activities. She was heavily influenced by a monk named Rasputin
Results of WW1 in Russia Discontent: common people were fed up with the war and the tsar’s gov’t Soldiers became more and more despondent Russian losses averaged 30K a month By 1917, hundreds of thousands of troops deserted the front and returned home Destruction: Russia suffered the most devastating losses of any country By 1917, they’d given up huge tracts of land (entire countries) War cost Russia billions of dollars in loans, property destruction, and military expenses Human cost: 1.65m deadm 3,85m wounded, 2.4m taken prisoner
List 3 adjectives to describe this man Illiterate, itinerant self-proclaimed monk Was known for his adulterous behavior Earned Tsarina’s devotion because he was able to ‘miraculously’ cure her son, Alexi of pain caused by his hemophilia He was given great authority by the tsarina Took advantage of his position to engage in wild orgies and to favor corrupt members of the court He created scandal after scandal while Nick was at the front Rasputin