Ancient Egyptian Achievements
Biology -Obtained knowledge of human body through embalming and mummification -Performed surgeries
Hieroglyphics -Earliest form of writing -Pictures stood for words
Types of Writing Papyrus plants were made into paper Scribe also wrote on stone and clay tablets
Architectural Pyramids of Giza The Sphinx Obelisk
Washington Monument Egyptian Obelisk
Geometry + Astronomy -Principles of geometry used to create pyramids -Created 365-day calendar to predict the flooding of the Nile
Egyptian Religion Guided every part of Egyptian Life Types of beliefs A. Polytheism- the belief in many gods B. Anthropomorphism- belief that gods can take on human shapes C. Animistic- belief that spirits/gods exist in animals and natural forces (thunder) -Amen Ra was the Egyptian sun god and god of war -Osiris was the god of fertility. Represented by the Nile River
Morality and Ethics (values and principles) A. Egyptian society valued good moral character -hardworking -not stealing -respecting elders B. Book of the Dead- religions and good morals are intertwined. Pure of heart will benefit in the next life.