Saturday Morning Session, CBBI-16


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Presentation transcript:

Saturday Morning Session, CBBI-16 Sound progress observed from CN, EU, JA, IN presentations both Design & R&Ds CN HCCB TBM design evolved specially from RAFM mass reduction point of view (2.6ton->1.3ton) Materials development including structure, breeder, multiplier on going, preparing helium loop constructions (small loop with low temperature, 1.3kg/s loop with high temperature) EU HCPB TBM design evolved specially from Breeder Unit design point of view Comprehensive R&Ds on-going (most of R&D items presented by the previous sessions) JA WCCB TBM design mostly maintained Comprehensive R& on-going; TBM box structure fabrication on-going, advanced breeder(Li2+xTiO3+y) & beryllide (Be12Ti) development for later stage of TBM, continuous concept of tritium recovery R&D on-going IN LLCB TBM design evolution: 2 options Materials development including structure, breeder, multiplier on-going, TBM fabrication technology started

Saturday Morning Session, CBBI-16 Discussion & open issues TBM vs. DEMO, how to extrapolate? Different properties due to different conditions (irradiation properties, crush load, tritium release properties of pebbles, etc) Different design (ex. Batch-wise tritium recovery vs. continuous recover) How to resolve the gap between TBM & DEMO blankets TBM C&S issue No code for even non-irradiated RAFM Validity /degree of conservatism when RAFM questionable Collaboration possibilities to prepare IO requirement? Diagnostics & instrumentations for TBM What to measure: where to measure; how to measure Development of instrumentations required? Considering harsh environment Integration into design