Peter S. Kaplan University of Colorado, Denver An Acquired Learning Disability in Infants of Chronically Depressed Mothers Peter S. Kaplan University of Colorado, Denver
Depression is a Serious Public Health Problem WHO estimates that by the year 2020 depression will be 2nd leading cause of disability world-wide economic costs personal suffering family suffering
Behavioral and Physiological Correlates of Postpartum Depression Mothers withdrawn or intrusive negative affect less playful less contingent responding relative left frontal EEG hypoactivation Infants negative affect less attentive less play/exploration relative left frontal EEG hypoactivation at risk for insecure attachment, later psychopathology, and cognitive deficits
Properties of Infant-Directed Speech elevated vocal pitch (fundamental frequency or F0 ) exaggerated pitch changes different pitch contour shapes (e.g., rising, falling) in different interactional contexts (arousing, soothing) nearly universal across cultures
Functions of Infant-Directed Speech elicit and maintain infant attention modulate affect and arousal facilitate learning speed language processing
Funded By… National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Swan Foundation of Denver CU-Denver (thanks to Dr. Fernie Baca, Vice Chancellor for Research) Psychology Faculty Research Fund (thanks to Dr. Rick Gardner)
Four-Month-Old Infant
Conditioned-Attention Paradigm Pairing Phase “Forward:” Tone-->Face (6 pairings) “Backward:” Face-->Tone (6 pairings) “Random:” Tone//Face (6 of each) “No Tone:” Face Alone (6 times) Summation Test Phase Tone + Checkerboard vs. Checkerboard Alone
Rapid Associative Learning in 4-Month-Old Infants
ID Speech Promotes Infant Learning Better Than AD Speech
Effects of ID Speech Produced By Depressed Mothers recruited 20 mothers of 2- to 6-month-olds administered BDI and SCID tape recorded “pet the gorilla” speech segments used tapes in tests with 225 4-month-old infants of non-depressed mothers
ID Speech Produced By Mothers with Symptoms of Depression Fails to Promote Infant Associative Learning
Acoustic Correlates of Maternal Depression measured mean F0 and mean DF0 in “gorilla” utterances performed hierarchical linear regression to examine proportion of variance in acoustic measures accounted for by maternal age, education, number of children, infant age, depression diagnosis, medication, and remission status
Acoustic Correlates of Postpartum Depression
“3-Test” Design Own Unfamiliar DEP Unfamiliar ND Mother Depressed n=12 Mother Not Depressed
Infants of Depressed Mothers Are Competent Learners, But Fail to Learn in Response to Their Own Mothers’ ID Speech
Older Infants of Depressed Mothers Fail to Learn in Response to Non-Depressed Mothers’ ID Speech
Conclusions 4-month-old infants readily learn associations ID speech facilitates associative learning postpartum depression affects ID speech flat ID speech fails to promote learning younger infants of depressed mothers learn well in response to non-depressed caregivers longer exposure to depressed caregivers has generalized effects on infant learning implications for interventions
Implications and Future Directions does this generalize to the “real world?” interventions: who, what, and when? can infants of depressed mothers be “inoculated” against potential adverse effects? long-term follow-ups: MCDI Vocabulary Study