Increasing Gaming Revenues


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Presentation transcript:

Increasing Gaming Revenues According to the US Census Bureau, the US gambling industry generated $31.322 billion during 2017, an increase of 7.01% from 2016’s $29.271 billion. This excludes revenues from casino hotels. The American Gaming Association’s 2017 State of the States report focuses on commercial casinos (non-tribal only) and indicates, during 2016, the industry set a record with $38.96 billion in revenues, a 1.1% increase from 2015. According to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas’ Gaming Research Center, only a third (33.9%) of big Las Vegas casino revenues originates from gaming; 28.3%, rooms; 15.5%, food; 15.2%, retail/entertainment; and 7.2%, beverages.

Expanded Gambling by State Nevada had 273 of the 404 land-based casinos, or 67.6%, during 2016. Illinois was the leader in electronic gaming devices at 5,726, Montana the most card rooms at 164, Oklahoma the most tribal casinos at 132 and Mississippi the most river casinos at 16. Of the 24 states with commercial casinos, 17 increased revenues during 2016 compared to 2015, benefitting from low gas prices, higher consumer confidence and job growth. The first Massachusetts casino opened during mid- 2015, so its revenues increased the fastest at +75.7%. Maryland expanded its casinos to six and increased revenues by 9.6%. Illinois casino revenues decreased 1.7%, as slot machines were allowed at retail.

Upping the Ante on Native American Gaming The latest data (for 2015) from Casino City’s Indian Gaming Industry Report reveals there were 242 Native American tribes operating 484 gaming facilities in 28 states. During 2015, gaming revenues at tribal gaming facilities increased 5.5% to a record $30.5 billion, the 6th consecutive year of revenue growth. Native- American gaming became the largest segment of US gaming revenues at 44.3%. Gaming revenues increased in 24 states, and four states had double-digit increases. Four states had decreases, however, including one with a double- digit decrease. The top 2 states generated 40% of revenues, the top 5, 63%, and the top ten, 85%.

Sports and Online Gambling Outlook Sports betting has been illegal in most of the country, except in Nevada. The US Supreme Court, however, ruled during May 2018 in favor of New Jersey’s litigation, allowing for legal sports betting there and in other states if they so choose. Despite being illegal, sports betting is common. In Nevada, there was $4.8 billion bet on sports during 2017 and, nationwide, researchers estimated $50 billion to $60 billion in sports betting. Professional sports leagues are split on the issue. Data from Juniper Research suggests online gambling revenues will increase to more than $700 billion during 2018, a YOY increase of 11.4%. The report said that by 2022, online gambling bets could exceed $1 trillion with 684 million online gamblers.

Gambling Outlook and Trends Fitch Ratings forecasts a strong 2018 for the gaming industry, but it cautions that too many new and expanded gambling venues in the Northeast will create saturation and negatively impact established casinos and gaming destinations, such as Atlantic City. To appeal to Millennials, casinos are adding mobile apps, touch screen games and skills-based games, such as dancing games that can be played individually or with a group. Electronic table games are a trend. In North America, they only account for 0.4% of casino floor space, but in Asia and Europe, it is almost 25%. ETGs are more profitable for casinos (they keep 84.5% compared to 43.5% of slot revenues) and taxes are less.

Advertising Strategies Now that the US Supreme Court has essentially legalized sports gambling, be aware of whether and how your state addresses this opportunity, so you are able to be identify and present the benefits of advertising on your station before other media outlets. Sell your station’s dual channels to casinos to target different audiences: on-air advertising to reach the older adults who are the largest percentage of TV viewers and your Website and social media platforms to reach Millennials. Promote your gaming venue as a group activity for adults and position gaming as a stress reliever. You may even find some local, major employers who would be willing to schedule an employee night, as a means to cultivate employee camaraderie.

New Media Strategies With sports betting now legal, use your station’s Website and social media presence to provide visitors with the most-current information about how your state is approaching the issue and the legislature’s decisions about allowing sports betting in your state. Record videos of jackpot winners sharing how they felt to win and what they plan to do with the money and post the videos on your Website and social media. Reach prospective customers through mobile apps, especially Millennials, that introduce them to casino games they can play for free and how winnings translate into chips at casinos and other prizes.