Progress in sequencing chromosome 6 - State of the art - Selection of minimal overlapping BAC clones from tomato chr.6 using BAC-end sequences René Klein Lankhorst Plant Research International Wageningen, NL Sept 2005
CBSG Tomato Sequencing Program State of the Art for chromosome 6: Total number of finished BACs: 21 (19 in Phase 1/2 and 2 in Phase 3) Number of BACs in current sequencing pipeline: 14 Number of BACs in current FISH pipeline:11 Sequences of 16 BACs have been uploaded to SGN for public release
Selection of BACs by BAC-end screening Seed BAC BlastN BAC-ends Sequence alignment of selected BAC-ends Pre-selected BACs +0/+0 AFLP fingerprint BAC binning High-Resolution local physical map Largest extending, minimal overlapping BAC
Selection of BACs by BAC-end screening +0/+0 fingerprinting, binning and physical mapping AFLP Finished seed BAC Blast homology search and sequence alignment of BAC ends Sequencing, assembly, walking Selection for minimal overlap and largest extension
BlastN analysis of finished seed BAC P250I21 Selection of BACs (I) BlastN analysis of finished seed BAC P250I21 Mi-2 hsp’s Hyp. protein transposon Candidate BAC
Selection of BACs (III) P073H07 assembled BAC end on P250I21
Assembly of BAC ends on P250I21 Selection of BACs (IV) Assembly of BAC ends on P250I21