UPR 2019 Pre-session: New Zealand Wellington October 2018 INDEPENDENT MONITORING MECHANISM ON THE UN DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES Dr Claire Charters Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Auckland
Who and What Independent Monitoring Mechanism monitors NZ’s implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples appointed by Iwi (tribal) Chairs’ Forum Submission to the UPR covers: constitutional transformation to better respect Māori rights self-determination free, prior and informed consent Māori interests in natural resources water rights equity in Treaty of Waitangi settlements between the state and Indigenous peoples the development of a national plan of action to facilitate better implementation of the Declaration
Focus: Constitutional change for recognition and protection of Māori right to self-determination under UN human rights treaties, UNDRIP and te Tiriti o Waitangi Need for change Calls for change domestically and internationally NZ has not acted
What IMM seeks: UPR to incentivise NZ to facilitate constitutional change for recognition and protection of Māori right to self-determination under UN human rights treaties, UNDRIP and te Tiriti o Waitangi