Gender Inequality in the United States Content Objective: Examine how gender inequality exists in the areas of education, employment, politics, and violence in one U.S. state. Task: Create a slideshow presentation with information based on a state’s case study research.
1 Title Slide: Gender Inequality in the United States Names, Period #
2 Education Enrollment in colleges/universities College degrees earned Research data about your assigned state OR choose a college/university within the state to find data. Compare male and female: Enrollment in colleges/universities College degrees earned Professors employed
3 Employment/ Workplace unemployment rate Research data about your assigned state OR choose a company/field that employs a large number of workers in that state. Compare male and female: unemployment rate average salary/wage of full time employees number of executives (CEO’s, CFO’s, COO’s)/ managerial positions
4 Violence Victims of violent crimes Accused of violent crimes Research data about your assigned state. Compare male and female: Victims of violent crimes Accused of violent crimes Average prison sentence for crimes
5 Politics Members in U.S. Senate Members in House of Representatives Research data about your assigned state. Compare male and female: Members in U.S. Senate Members in House of Representatives Governors since 1965
6 Works Cited: MLA citations of at least 3 sources used.