Welcome & Introduction Dr Anne Thomson Clinical Director TVSCN Children and Maternity Network Monday 8th December 2014 NHS | TVSCN Transition Event House keeping 02/01/2019
Transition from Paediatric to Adult Services Event Aims and Objectives of the day Raising Awareness and engagement – do we have all the right people in the room? To share learning from existing good practice – successes, challenges and barriers to implementation Understand National Priorities - Results of survey monkey based on principles of draft specifications highlight gaps but thank you for completing it. Agree next steps - individually , for your organisation/Trust and for the TVSCN Children & Maternity Network . NHS | TVSCN Transition Event House keeping 02/01/2019
Survey Monkey pre Transition event 17 responses and difficult to use results as low numbers and not all questions answered However reasonable response to: How do you measure young people's experience of your service? How would you define a successful Transition? NHS | TVSCN Transition Event House keeping 02/01/2019
There is 'Young Voices' support network Routine Outcome Monitoring Question: How do you measure young people's experience of your service? 14 responses in total – here is an overview There is 'Young Voices' support network Routine Outcome Monitoring We talk with young people about their experiences of Health and Social Care in West Berkshire, this includes going to children's centres, Newbury College and out on outreach. Transition between children and adult services is a topic which is raised and we are interested to attend this event Complaints, surveys, focus groups. Surveys, social media (we have developed an app called puffell which is like the facebook but encourages health amongst the young people) NHS | TVSCN Transition Event House keeping 02/01/2019
Question : How would you define a successful Transition Question : How would you define a successful Transition? 15 responses in total – here is an overview Where there is a holistic support on emotional, pyschological wellbeing in addition to physical and condition specific support for diabetes control. a good HbA1C and a good wellbeing score is essential. Period of joint clinics with Paediatricians, patients and relatives have chance to get to know us and future clinic location beforehand, issues handed over. That the young person and family feel prepared for it, and are supported through the process by a key worker NHS | TVSCN Transition Event House keeping 02/01/2019
How would you define a successful Transition contd a seamless service with no significant disruptions in care for the child and family. Clear information available - Young Person has made choices which they want - Young Person has clear outcomes if the are staying in services - Young person knows what is available if not reaching threshold for adult services Gradual, at young person's pace. Empowerment of the young person, with plenty of preparation, information and guidance throughout the process. NHS | TVSCN Transition Event House keeping 02/01/2019