ASADAS New Athlete Whereabouts Program
Content 1.Context 2.ASADAs whereabouts requirements 3. Who has to provide Athlete Whereabouts Information 4.Methods for submitting whereabouts information 5.Consequences for violations of ASADAs AW requirements 6.Implementation dates 7.Online system demonstration.
Context Under the WADC, an athlete in ASADAs Registered Testing Pool is required to provide accurate whereabouts information (in accordance with ASADAs requirements) to enable the athlete to be located for NAN OOC testing. The Code also introduced consequences for athletes who fail to comply with whereabouts requirements. Under the Code, an athlete may incur an ADRV for violating whereabouts requirements by failing to provide required information and/or missed tests
ASADAs Roles Determine the criteria for inclusion in ASADAs RTP Set ASADAs Athlete Whereabouts requirements Develop policies and procedures to determine when an athlete has violated ASADAs Athlete Whereabouts requirements (FTPI, Missed Test policies) Establish systems and procedures to collect, monitor and manage Athlete Whereabouts Information.
Effective Adequate whereabouts information available to DCOs for NAN OOC testing. Reasonable to athletes Minimise loopholes for doping athletes Accommodate sport specificity Practical. Policy development
Balancing act
Athlete Whereabouts Requirements Athletes are required to nominate one location and time period per day where they will be available for sample collection. Required time period- one hour. Required to be available for the complete hour as DCO may arrive at the location any time during that hour. Athletes are required to submit this information on a quarterly basis and update the information as required to maintain its accuracy.
How to submit AW Information Quarterly Athlete Whereabouts Forms Athlete Whereabouts Online System Mail or Fax (must be submitted directly to ASADA using only the ASADA AW Form). Updates As above ASADA Hotline
Who has to submit AW information ASADAs Athlete Whereabouts requirements apply to athletes in ASADAs national Registered Testing Pool (RTP). Inclusion in the RTP is based on a number of factors related to the athlete, their sport, level of competition and ASADAs Doping Control Program. ASADA regularly reviews the RTP and athletes are removed or added as appropriate. ASADAs RTP will be smaller than the current RTP..
Domestic Testing Pool (DTP) ASADA will also maintain a Domestic Testing Pool. The DTP includes elite athletes who are not in the RTP. ASADA will maintain personal and contact details for athletes in the DTP for doping control and communication purposes e.g. informing athletes they have been moved into the RTP. NSOs will be required to keep ASADA up to date with athletes personal and contact details.
Information ASADA requires from NSO Full name Date of Birth Gender Nationality Disabilities (if applicable) Primary residential address; Primary mailing Address; Contact phone numbers; address (if available); Coaches name.
Level of athlete in RTP and DTP As a guideline, RTP and DTP combined will include athletes in national senior teams in Olympic and Paralympic sports and other ASC funded sports/programs that receive regular high performance funding.
Rationale for two testing pools ASADA works on the principle of only requesting the Athlete Whereabouts Information that is necessary for ASADA to implement its doping control program. ASADAs OOC doping control program is not a one size fits all therefore ASADA does not require individual AWI from all athletes to implement its doping control program. ASADA reminds athletes that any athlete who meets the definition of Athlete under the ASADA Act 2006 may be subject to both In and OOC testing regardless of whether they are required to provide AWI to ASADA.
Consequences for violation of whereabouts requirements An athlete can violate ASADAs whereabouts requirements in two ways: Failing to comply with request to inform ASADA of his or her location (also known as Failure to Provide Information); or Failing to be located for a sample after being requested to provide his or her location (also referred to as a Missed Test whereabouts offence).
ADRV Three (3) FTPI and/or Missed Tests in a rolling 18 month period will lead to: ASADA making a determination that an ADRV has occurred; the athletes name and details of the relevant ADRV will be entered onto ASADAs Register of Findings; and the athletes NSO will be informed. Sanctions range from a minimum of 3 months to two years.
Failure to Provide Information Procedural Guidelines ASADA requires an athlete to submit quarterly AWI by a due date. Athletes will incur a FTPI whereabouts offence if they fail to submit the information by the due date (and subsequent due dates). ASADA provides the opportunity for athletes to submit Partial Alternative locations when submitting quarterly forms. If a Partial Alternative location is not updated within 48 hours of the relevant date, an athlete will incur a FTPI whereabouts offence. Following a whereabouts offence notification, the athlete will have the opportunity to provide an explanation for why they did not submit the necessary information by the due date or within the required timeframe.
Missed Test Procedural Guidelines ASADA DCO will take reasonable steps to locate an athlete at the location and time the athlete nominated to be available for sample collection. If the athlete cannot be located, the DCO may record a Missed Test. Prior to doing so, the DCO will make a curtesy call using the phone contact details provided by the athlete (including an alternate contact). If athlete is in immediate vicinity, athlete provided the opportunity to proceed to their nominated location within timeframe set by DCO. If the athlete proceeds to the location within the timeframe, sample collection will proceed and no Missed test will be recorded.
Missed Test Procedural Guidelines A Missed Test will be reported by the DCO in the following circumstances: the DCO is unable to make contact with the athlete and has taken reasonable steps to locate the athlete; or the athlete is not in the immediate vicinity; or The athlete is unable to proceed to their nominated location within the timeframe specified by the DCO; or the athlete does not arrive at their nominated location within the required timeframe.
Proposed Implementation Timeframes Letters and AW Information packs sent to athletes (Reg. post)15/12/06 Letters and AW Information packs sent to NSOs 15/12/06 First due date for quarterly submission15/3/07 Whereabouts policies effective from 15/3/07
Next steps Review of individual NSO policies Work with NSOs to resolve any inconsistencies between NSO policy and ASADAs whereabouts requirements and policies Individual liaison with IFs in effort to streamline requirements for athletes in both IF and NADO pools.
Next Steps