Tuesday 2/14/16 Notebook Entry: Water molecules travel all over our planet Earth. Make a list of all the places that water can exist on our planet.
Water Cycle in a day Watch the animation of the water cycle in a day. As you are watching write down 6 things you notice. 2 in the morning 2 during mid day 2 at night
Lake Superior Ice Caves: A Frozen World Read article together How is the formation of these caves part of the water cycle?
What do you notice? Find the person who has your notecard. This is your partner for today’s classwork. First, discuss what you wrote on your notecard yesterday. Make a list of key words and sentences from the text that are about concepts we have already learned? What questions does the article not answer?
How is the formation of the ice caves part of the water cycle? Identify two evidence statements = a sentence that would help answer the question. Write each evidence statement on a notecard. Write the page number and paragraph number it came from.
Use ideas from the class evidence list to help you. Exit Ticket On a new notecard answer the question: How does the water cycle lead to the formation of the Apostle Island Ice Caves? Use ideas from the class evidence list to help you. Turn into basket when you are finished.