Field content and target identification 20th Survey Science Centre Consortium meeting Field content and target identification Ann-Marie Stobbart Anja Schroeder, Mike Watson and the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre
2XMMp: selecting observations 2XMMp contains a subset of the total number of observations to be included in the final 2XMM catalogue. Subset selected via visual screening of each observation + sources + automatic flags Quick field identifications based on the number of ‘spurious’ detections i.e. those NOT automatically flagged as spurious 14th November 2006 Ann-Marie Stobbart
2XMMp: selecting observations Observations classified into one of four quality flags (OBSFLAG=0-3) ‘Good’ observations (OBSFLAG=0-2) included i.e. those with no or few obvious spurious detections (83% public observations with EPIC data) 14th November 2006 Ann-Marie Stobbart
Observation classes: OBSFLAG=0 52% : no obvious spurious detections (may include one or two non-obvious ones) 14th November 2006 Ann-Marie Stobbart
Observation classes: OBSFLAG=1 30% : one or more spurious detections (but usually < 8 ) 14th November 2006 Ann-Marie Stobbart
Observation classes: OBSFLAG=2 0.9% : class 1 + missed detections in a group of very densely positioned sources 14th November 2006 Ann-Marie Stobbart
Observation classes: OBSFLAG=3 17% : not accepted for inclusion in the catalogue 14th November 2006 Ann-Marie Stobbart
Field identification 2XMMp screening effectively independent of target itself 2XMM Serendipitous catalogue Aim for 2XMM is to classify XMM-Newton fields by the type of target within them But, is the target: a single object ? a whole field ? extended ? 14th November 2006 Ann-Marie Stobbart
Field identification 5 proposed field classifications: Point source Extended source Small extended Large extended Field (e.g. The Lockman Hole) Not detected (e.g. OM calibration field) Unknown 14th November 2006 Ann-Marie Stobbart
Field ID : Large extended SIMBAD PROPOSAL NED RA_PNT DEC_PNT XSA NGC 55 (WEST): 0028740101 : X-ray background and surveys 14th November 2006 Ann-Marie Stobbart
Field ID : Large extended SIMBAD PROPOSAL NED RA_PNT DEC_PNT XSA NGC 4258: 0059140401 : AGN, QSOs, BL-Lacs and XRB 14th November 2006 Ann-Marie Stobbart
Target identification Aim to flag the target of the observation Difficulties, e.g. for galaxies no source to flag unambiguously Simplest solution flag the targets from the ‘point source’ field classification 14th November 2006 Ann-Marie Stobbart
Summary 2XMMp screening: quick field identifications 83% public observations included Aim for 2XMM: field and target identifications work in progress Difficulties: Finding a position that best identifies the target in order to classify the field finding an unambiguous target position in order to flag the target 14th November 2006 Ann-Marie Stobbart