NEWS in Primary Care Pilot Jo McCarthy, PH Registrar on behalf of the RRAILS team
The National Early Warning Score Provides a common language across our hospitals and ambulance service in Wales Aids in early detection of deteriorating and septic patients Allows for monitoring of patients over time & can be a useful tool in primary care
NEWS in Wales
What is already happening? In addition to our ambulance crews and secondary care settings using NEWS: The RRAILS team are working with care homes to implement the use of NEWS District nurses across Wales are using the score to help with decisions regarding referral
And GP’s?
RCGP recommendations, & give links to the patient story
The pilot We want to know Is NEWS useful to you in Primary Care? Can it be a useful tool to detect the deteriorating or septic patient, alongside clinical judgement? Can it provide an objective measure of patient status (for the notes, for if the patient needs to come back and may see a different Dr, and for patient referral)?
Data collection It doesnt have to be painful or laborious. 3 months. We will collect and analyse. Can be used to roll out NEWS