2008 Group 7: Healthcare, Barcoding and Safety – Beyond Medication Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons Advisors: Patrick Harris and David Roth, Pharma-Sys Inc. 1/17/08 Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons
Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons Project Recap PharmaSys has recently begun creating a bedside verification system called eMeds using RFID systems and barcoding. Point of care bedside verification systems have drastically reduced the amount of errors in medication delivery as well as specimen collection and blood transfusion Our design project centers around expanding the system to provide universal verification for all patient processes 1/17/08 Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons
Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons Benefits Improves patient and medication safety Cost savings by elimination of mal-practice lawsuits Cuts down on paperwork Ensures patients of “five rights” before medication (right patient, right drug, right time, right dose, right administration route) Connects the operations of pharmacy, physician, nurses and administration 1/17/08 Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons
Project Goals Completed Expand the system to provide verification for blood transfusion Website makeover Expand the system to provide verification for specimen collection **Expand the system to the ER and OR environments of the hospital **Expand the system to provide verification for breast milk delivery **Time permitting 1/17/08 Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons
Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons Current Work Polishing the Blood Transfusion Use Cases and prototypes Use Cases: Show how the ISBT–128 (barcode scanner) will respond to any given situation along each step of verification. 1/17/08 Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons
Use Case for Blood Transfusions Alternative Actions (optional note attachment) Exceptions (something doesn’t check on the blood sample) 1/17/08 Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons
Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons ISBT 128 1/17/08 Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons
Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons 1/17/08 Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons
Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons Future Work Polish the Blood Transfusion Use Case Create the Specimen Collection Use Case based on the work flow diagram Obtain and become familiar with actual ISBT-128 (scanner) Total System Requirements Integrating eMEDS into the hospital environment Continued user friendly prototype design 1/17/08 Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons
Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons Questions? 1/17/08 Group 7- Lauren Knish, Ross Morrison, Stuart Reasons