Lab Safety Symbols
Animal Safety & Radioactivity Used when safety of animals AND students must be ensured
Clothing Protection & Eye Safety Means? When should you wear them? Used when substances can stain or burn clothing
Biohazard Organisms/other biological materials might be harmful to humans Precautions? Remedy?
Chemical Indicates chemicals that can react with or destroy tissue/other material. Precautions? Remedy?
Electrical Means? Precautions? Remedy?
Extreme Temperature Skin can be burned by extreme hot OR cold temperatures. Precautions? Remedy?
Fume Possible danger to respiratory tract Precautions? Remedy?
Irritant Substances can irritate skin/mucous membranes of respiratory tract What other symbols could be used here? Precautions? Remedy?
Open Flame Dangers? Precautions? Remedy?
Sharp Object Means? Precaution? Remedy?
Toxic Means? Precautions? Remedy?