Socials 8_Viking Commercials
How influenced are you? Where do you encounter advertising? Which specific advertisements "stick in your head?" What makes these advertisements memorable? Do you think advertisements have an effect on your personal interests? How do commercials and ads get you to buy things? (think of techniques)
How do commercials and ads get you to buy things? Ask students, How do commercials and ads get you to buy things? Distribute the “Techniques of Persuasion” handout. Compare and contrast the techniques on the handout with students’ ideas.
Creation create a one-minute radio or television commercial that promotes some aspect of Viking life and/or exploration. For example, a student might extol the virtues of the Viking longship. Or, a student might use the bandwagon technique to make a point about the usefulness of the Viking shield. Using statistics, a student could promote Vikings by describing the many destinations the Vikings reached on the European continent.
Advertising Techniques
Who were the Vikings?
The Vikings were people who lived long ago in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Most Vikings lived on farms in houses made of wood, stone or blocks of turf.
Vikings men were craftsmen or traders Vikings men were craftsmen or traders. Viking women did all the household jobs.
Viking children did not go to school Viking children did not go to school. They helped at home and learnt from stories.
Vikings wore clothes made of cloth, leather and fur Vikings wore clothes made of cloth, leather and fur. All Viking people wore jewellery.
The Vikings ate a lot of meat The Vikings ate a lot of meat. They ate off wooden plates and drank from horns.
The Vikings were great sailors who travelled all over Europe in long ships.
The Vikings came to England in search of treasure and wealth in 865.
They destroyed monasteries and killed many monks to get to their gold.
The Vikings were great warriors. They used spears and shields in battle.
They captured most of the north of England They captured most of the north of England. The only part not won was Wessex.
They had their own alphabet called ‘runes’ They had their own alphabet called ‘runes’. These symbols were carved onto stone.
The Vikings had their own religion and worshipped their own gods.
The most popular God was Thor. Thor ruled the skies, storms and thunder.
The Vikings bought and sold things using coins, which were measured by weight.
William the Conqueror won England in 1066, ending the Viking era in England.
Place names ending in –by, -thorpe or –ay may have been Viking settlements.
York – or Jorvik – was the main Viking town and still has a Viking theme today.