English 2 - May 17th Agenda: TPS Reflections Introduce Comparative Unit Opposites Mini-Project CDWDW Visual Representation You Will Need Writing paper and pen/pencil Mini-Project handout
Reflection Think-Pair-Shares Think SILENTLY about the question below. When I say go, turn to someone near you and share. Chosen students share to the whole class. Question 1: What was your favorite unit and why?
Reflection Think-Pair-Shares Think SILENTLY about the question below. When I say go, turn to someone near you and share. Chosen students share to the whole class. Question 2: What was your LEAST favorite unit and why?
Reflection Think-Pair-Shares Think SILENTLY about the question below. When I say go, turn to someone near you and share. Chosen students share to the whole class. Question 3: When did you feel the most successful this year?
Comparative Unit Purpose: Deepen understanding of two of the works we have studied. Demonstrate deep understanding of skills learned this year. Outcome: Creative presentation making a connection between two works we have read this year and exploring larger ideas.
Opposites Mini-Project Purpose: Practice projects based on two works. Outcomes: CDWDW Analytical Writing Visual Representation Due: Thursday by the end of class