Homeostasis Unit Biology
March 19 – Lesson Question What are the components of the Nervous System and how do they function? Page 93
Nervous System – 2 Components working together
Central Nervous System Brain 3 major regions Spinal Cord Connects brain and peripheral nervous system
Central Nervous System Cerebrum Movement, senses, speech, abstract thought Cerebellum Maintain balance Brainstem Link between brain and the peripheral nervous system
Peripheral Nervous System Network of nerves that branch out from the central nervous system and connect to the rest of the body.
March 17 Reaction time lab Page 94 Read the instructions aloud with your group. What questions do you have?
Reaction Time Lab What two reflex reactions are we investigating? What is the difference between the two? How will you record your data? For how many people will you record data?
Reaction Time Lab Data collection: 10 minutes Data Analysis Time: 15 Minutes Get my signature on the analysis questions!
Action Potentials Let’s watch a brief video to learn how neurons actually transmit messages. As you watch, write 3 important details. This video has challenging content, so let’s work together to learn from it.