BICS PAC Treasurer Report April 19, 2017 Income Total : $2,585 Expenses Total : $3,447 Family Ed: Jesse Miller $761 $2,726 Hot Lunch (net $11,371 to date) Health Education $993 Technology $280 $-141 Clothing Sale UC Ad PE Equipment $1,003 Total Income to April 19 was $2,585, this includes the payment for the clothing sale ad in the Undercurrent. The net to date for hot lunch is $11,371, with $2,897 in A/R, some of this includes credits that will be given to volunteers. Expenses were $3,447, $761 for the well attended Jesse Miller presentation, $993 for the health ed talk for parents and students. $280 from this years budget for technology, this was a remaining payment made for the ipdas and Chromebooks that were made ant the beginning of the year, The $1,000 is for the remainder of the PE equipment, total for the year was $1895. The PAC supports the printing of the student directories for $176, remainder of coffee fund and babysitting contributions of $100 and $120 were also made. Bank fees were double, because we are reporting for March and April. The CSA issued a donation to the PAC for $930 for the remainder of the playground, and the PAC then issued a check to the district to complete payment for the playground. Student Directories $176 Coffee Fund $100 PAC meeting babysitters $120 Bank Fees $14
2016/2017 Budget Summary This shows the budget summary to date. The PAC still needs to raise $6,855 for the year, and currently still plans to spend another $10,132 as budgeted. Keep in mind that the income will be reduced as money is spent for the hot lunch program There are still significant fundraising events like Art Show, BIRD, and the Clothing Sale which should bring in necessary funding. Also, $2,000 of income and expenses were allocated for Learning Commons Tables and chairs, not sure this will happen still this year.
Reserve Funds Update The change in the reserve funds include a reduction of $564.60 that was made as a payment from the technology funds for final payment of Chromebooks/ipads. There was an addition of $330.98 to the Learning Commons for refund from carpet invoice.