Statistical literacy in SL - web school Audronė Miškinienė Head, Public Relations division 19-20 May 2008, Luxembourg Statistical literacy in Statistics Lithuania - DWG
Towards Statistical literacy in SL Step 1. Identify gaps in understanding statistics, 2005- Step 2. Develop system & organise user surveys, 2006- Step 3. Analyse results, plan general improvement & Literacy activities, 2007- Step 4. Monitor user feedback, customer satisfaction & Literacy, 2006- Step 5. Continue with developments, 2006- 19-20 May 2008, Luxembourg Statistical literacy in Statistics Lithuania - DWG
Strategic provisions 2005–2007: Introduce the System of User satisfaction surveys Functioning beg. 2006 2008–2012: Expand circle of statistically literate users, cultivate new generation of users, capable to use & interpret statistics Ongoing 19-20 May 2008, Luxembourg Statistical literacy in Statistics Lithuania - DWG
Scope of Literacy project Best practices. Theory & concept Literacy gaps. LT Educational programmes. School survey Literacy plans by individual user group, 2007–2012 Literacy traditional means (brochures, pens, calendars, meetings, events…) Literacy on web. Best practices. Visualisation Selection & training of SL experts – future trainers 19-20 May 2008, Luxembourg Statistical literacy in Statistics Lithuania - DWG
School survey, 2007 Target group: Secondary school teachers Territory: Secondary schools of LT Survey period: May-June, 2007 Objective: identify usability & understanding of statistical info in schools Survey method: 1163 schools: basic, secondary, upper-secondary. 2 size groups: small (less 270 pupils) & large (270 and more). Sample 240 schools. 3 questionnaires for small & 4 for large schools mailed & web-based Questions: 18: 10 teaching-oriented + on topical issues Response rate 79%: 35% rural, 65% urban. Teaching matematics (178), informatics (130), geography (90), history (69), economics (45) 19-20 May 2008, Luxembourg Statistical literacy in Statistics Lithuania - DWG
Web School for teachers 19-20 May 2008, Luxembourg Statistical literacy in Statistics Lithuania - DWG
Web School for pupils 19-20 May 2008, Luxembourg Statistical literacy in Statistics Lithuania - DWG
Web School (*) Corresponds 5–8 grades of General Programme for Primary & General Lower Secondary Education, approved Minister of Education & Science, August 2008 Team - SL staff, 1 Vilnius Pedagogical University, 2 Secondary school teachers (mathematics & informatics), child psychologist, linguist-terminologist, IT company “Prewise” Characters, type of animation selected & tested by SL children, voiced by children Principle structure based on School survey results For teachers For Pupils 19-20 May 2008, Luxembourg Statistical literacy in Statistics Lithuania - DWG
Statistical literacy in Statistics Lithuania - DWG 19-20 May 2008, Luxembourg Statistical literacy in Statistics Lithuania - DWG
Literacy Project Plans 2008–2012 Joint work with Min. of Education – projects, brochures, competitions, awards Teachers’ competence institute – a course Institute of Journalism, Vilnius University – a course Traditional “Statistics days” in schools (end Sept.) in municipalities Advanced web School, continued visualisation Feedback on web school - further improvements 19-20 May 2008, Luxembourg Statistical literacy in Statistics Lithuania - DWG
Literacy Project Plans 2008–2012 cont. Web School Glossary Demo version on usage of SL website & DB Pool of trainers in SL approved & trained Standard training packages for 3 user levels: basic, middle, advanced Regular training & communication events by individual user group User group tools, e.g. brochure ABC for 9-12 grades, info leaflets on indicators, calendars, web school continued for 9-12 grades Continuous feedback for improvements 19-20 May 2008, Luxembourg Statistical literacy in Statistics Lithuania - DWG
Thank you. Questions are welcome 19-20 May 2008, Luxembourg Statistical literacy in Statistics Lithuania - DWG