Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban By Emilia #6
The Author J.K. Rowling She is from Wales. She started thinking about Harry Potter while she was waiting for a train that was late. J.K. wrote the first volume three years later, in 1993. Now, she has three children, Jessica, David and Mackenzie, and a husband, Dr. Murray.
Main Character Harry Potter Thirteen-year-old orphan Lives in England He is short, slim, and has black messy hair and green eyes He is brave, generous, good seeker at quidditch, and he always wants to help his friends. Pet: Hedwig, an owl Best friends: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
Secondary Characters Ron Weasley Hermione Granger Naive, gullible, a bit clumsy, good at chess Tall, has red hair and blue eyes Not really brave, afraid of spiders Poor, five brothers and one sister Pet: Scabbers, a rat Hermione Granger Really clever, loves reading and school Generous and sensitive Her parents are not wizards, so they are muggles Pet: Crookshanks, a cat
Where and When First: Harry's aunt and uncle’s house, 4 Privet Drive Second: Hogwarts and it’s surroundings Beginning: July 31st End: around June, at the end of the year
summarize They start their third year at Hogwarts Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban and he seems to be after Harry The prison guards of Azkaban, the Dementors, guard the school Plus, harry wants to win the quidditch match
Finally, What I like: I would recommend it to:
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