Mr. Slevcove AP Human Geography “Geography is the why of where.” AP Human Geography Exam, 2001 Mr. Slevcove
About the Course Course focuses on the relationship between humans and their physical environment College-level course taught similarly to an introductory human geography course taught on a college campus We get a year to cover the course instead of a semester It’s offered to freshmen at EHS, but the College Board does not consider it a “freshmen course”
Communication The best way to contact Mr. Slevcove is via email at Emails are typically responded to within 24 business hours on Monday through Friday only. Each student has a district-issued Gmail account. Students are expected to check their district-issued Gmail account regularly. Mr. Slevcove will only email students or send class reminders using students’ district- issued emails. Students must also be logged in to this account to access Google Classroom, which will contain many of their assignments.
AP Human Geography Website Updated daily/weekly with everything we have done in class and that has been assigned as homework. Organized into semesters and resources The students can use whatever they find on the website for help studying or if absent.
Topics of Study Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives Population and Migration Agriculture, Food Production, and Rural Land Use Cities and Urban Land Use Industrialization and Economic Development Cultural Patterns and Processes Political Organization of Space
What to Expect KBAT’s “Know and Be Able To” Handed out on the first day of the Unit, to be used as a study guide. Reading Guide One reading guide per unit, do on the day of the Unit test. Lecture Class Skill Building Activity (Google Classroom) Reading Quizzes: one five question quiz per Key Issue (Multiple Choice or T/F)
Google Classroom We will be utilizing Google Classroom and Docs thru ought the school year. Most of your students have already signed up for the AP Human Geography classroom. Class codes are as follows; Period 3: 73wgmh Period 4: pxvypb5
The AP Exam : Friday 5/12/17 Multiple-Choice 75 questions 60 minutes 50% of exam score Free Response Question (FRQ) 3 questions 75 minutes 50% of exam score
Unit (Chapter) Exams Multiple Choice 34-37 Questions 50% grade value 1 Free Response Question (FRQ) 25 Minutes to write 50% grade value
Grading 89.5-100% = A 79.5-89.49 = B 69.5-79.49 = C 59.5-69.49 = D 0-59.49% = F Grading Categories; Chapter Assessments: 70% Classwork and Homework: 30%
Late Work Unless otherwise indicated, all assignments are due at the beginning or class. Late work is accepted one day late for a maximum of 50% credit. After that, the work is not accepted.
Absent Work After an excused absence, it is the Student’s responsibility to: Visit the class website for any assignment information or notes Check with Mr. Slevcove for any instructions or any additional work Schedule make-up exams or quizzes
Suggested Materials Blue or Black ink pens Number 2 Pencils Highlighters Colored Pencils Three-ring binder dedicated to AP HuG
Electronic Devices All electronic devices must always be on silent (not vibrate) in the classroom. Students may not use their electronic devices, such as cell phones, in class for any reason without Mr. Slevcove’s explicit permission. When the use of electronic devices is allowed with Mr. Slevcove’s explicit permission during instruction, students may only use their electronic devices as instructed.