Dative: 4. Indirect Object (to/for after verbs of giving, telling, showing), 5. With special adjectives (propinquus near to; carus dear to; gratus pleasing to; idoneus suitable for; iniquus unjust to; inimicus unfriendly to). Dative Endings Mas. Fem. Neu. Sing. o ae o Pl. is is is (Page 99)
a reward pleasing to the boys Noun Adj. Noun Subject Dative Nominative With Adjectives Neuter Masculine Singular Plural praemium pueris gratum a place suitable for a temple Masculine Neuter Singular Singular locus templo idoneus
1. Complementary Infinitive (English Word Order = Subject Verb Infinitive) The man desires to work. Vir laborare desiderat. The men can see the women. = The men are able to see the women. Noun Verb Infin. Noun Subject 3 pl. Pres. Dir. Object Nom. Pres. Act. Acc. Masc. Act. Comple. Fem. Pl. Indic. Pl. Viri feminas videre possunt.
Review of the Accusative Case Accusative: 6. Direct Object (subject verb whom/what), 7. Object of Certain Prepositions ( prope near; per through; post after; inter between, among; ante before; circum around; contra opposite; apud near; ), 8. Place to Which (ad to, toward, near; in into, against; sub up to), Accusative Endings Mas. Fem. Neu. Sing. um am um Pl. os as a