Prepositions & eivmi
Preposition: A word that indicates relationship between to words Those who dwell on the earth The ball went over his head John came with his disciples John came before Jesus
Prepositions The meaning of a preposition depends upon the case of its object Prepositions are not inflected – they always look the same way
Singular Plural eivmi evsme,n eiv evste, evsti,(n) eivsi,n 1st Person 2nd Person eiv evste, 3rd Person evsti,(n) eivsi,n
Qeon evsti, o` kurioj
kai. ga.r evgw. a;nqrwpo,j eivmi u`po. evxousi,an (Luke 7:8)
Ei=pen auvtoi/j o` VIhsou/j( VAmh. n avmh. n le,gw u`mi/n( pri Ei=pen auvtoi/j o` VIhsou/j( VAmh.n avmh.n le,gw u`mi/n( pri.n VAbraa.m gene,sqai( evgw. eivmiÅ (He said) (I say) (Before) (Became) (John 8:58)
ou-toi, eivsin ui`oi. qeou/ (Romans 8:14 – Textus Receptus) ou-toi ui`oi. qeou/ eivsin (Romans 8:14 – Older Manuscripts)
Pa,ntej ga. r ui`oi. qeou/ evste dia Pa,ntej ga.r ui`oi. qeou/ evste dia. th/j pi,stewj evn Cristw/| VIhsou/\ All (Nominative) (Galatians 3:26)
u`mei/j evste oi` ui`oi. tw/n profhtw/n You all (Nom Plural) (Acts 3:25)
Naqanah,l kai. le,gei auvtw/|( ~Rabbi,( su. ei= o` ui`o Naqanah,l kai. le,gei auvtw/|( ~Rabbi,( su. ei= o` ui`o.j tou/ qeou/( su. ei= o` basileu.j tou/ VIsrah,lÅ He said “King” (John 1:49)
su. ei= o` cristo.j o` ui`o.j tou/ qeou/ tou/ zw/ntojÅ “living” (Matthew 16:16)
o` path,r mou evsti,n evn toi/j ouvranoi/j
New Vocabulary
avlla, But, yet, except
avpo, From
dia, Genative: Through Accusative: On account of
eivmi, I am
evk or evx Out of
h`me,ra Day
hvn He/she/it was
qalassa Sea
qanatoj Death
i[na In order that
`Iwa,nnhj John
le,gw I say
meta, Genitive: With Accusative: After
oivki,a House
oi=koj House
o;cloj Multitude
para, Gen: From Dat: Beside, in the presence of Accus: Alongside of
parabolh, Parable
Pro,j Toward, with
u`po, Gen: by Accus: Under
h=n He was