CYBER Display 1st meeting and training workshop Graziella Demarey 22/09/2008, BRISTOL (GB) CYBER Display 1st meeting and training workshop September 22th to 25th 2008, Bristol (GB) Presentation of ALME (CB 16)
Mulhouse Local Energy Agency: ALME Created in 1999 by CAMSA (Agglomeration Community of Mulhouse Sud Alsace) as part of a SAVE programme of the European Commission Partner of Energieagentur Regio Freiburg (Germany) Since 1994, one of the 19 French agencies regrouped in a federation, FLAME Alsace Region Mulhouse Graziella Demarey, ALME – 22/09/2008, BRISTOL (GB)
Graziella Demarey, ALME – 22/09/2008, BRISTOL (GB) Team: 7 employees Territory: 16 towns of CAMSA + 11 towns of SIVOM = 27 municipalities (232 000 inhabitants) Target public: communities, enterprises, citizens and children Missions: carry out technical and financial studies, give advices, teach and educate target public Since 2005, ALME representing CAMSA has been a participant of the Municipal Buildings Climate Campaign Display in Europe Actually, ALME carries out financial and environmental audits of the energy consumption for municipalities of 10 towns, which represent: - 92 bulidings, - 194 Display posters spread in audits reports - but only 2 posters displayed in 2 buildings of 1 town (Kingersheim) Graziella Demarey, ALME – 22/09/2008, BRISTOL (GB)
ALME and CYBER Display: context National context with application of the DPEB (European Energy Buildings Performance Directive) thanks to: realization of DPE (Energy Efficiency Diagnostic) for sale / location of housings, and since January 2nd 2008 display of DPE classification for concerned buildings (SHON > 1000 m2, …). ALME is able to realize DPE for householders and for municipalities too anticipation of DPE with Display Campaign in municipal buildings. CAMSA and SIVOM have confided to ALME the responsability of Display Campaign for its territory Local context with a Territorial Climate Plan (TCP) engaged by CAMSA since 2006, which requires that actors within the territory reduce their greenhouse gasses consumption. One of the specific aims of the TCP is the notion of setting an example, and Display Campaign allows to show the individual commitment of municipalities to combatting Climate change Graziella Demarey, ALME – 22/09/2008, BRISTOL (GB)
ALME and CYBER Display: tasks Display the energy certificates in the public buildings of the 27 towns of Mulhouse agglomeration Implementation of information an education program about energy management for the managers and users of audited buildings Evaluation and feedbacks on the different realized actions Participation in national and european meetings to exchange experiences and good practices ALME wants to share its experience with the other partners of CYBER Display project and aims at knowing good practices because it’s relatively easy to create a Display poster but it’s more difficult to success in displaying it in building. It’s important to communicate about displayed posters if we want citizens to be involved by energy efficicency and environmental issues Graziella Demarey, ALME – 22/09/2008, BRISTOL (GB)